Myrniong - Early Learning and Primary

Notices to be Distributed in the Coming Week
- Letter to Parent Representatives – Class volunteers
- Year 2 String programme letter – Year 2 students
- Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge – Years 3 to 5
Grip Leadership Day
On Thursday, 24th February, Year 5 students travelled to Mount Gambier to take part in the GRIP Leadership Conference. The students investigated their strengths and weakness, and looked at ways of turning ideas into actions. There were many opportunities to meet students from Victorian and South Australian Schools. The highlight for most students were the ‘Loud Noises’ sessions, which allowed for full volume participation. Thank you to Mrs Mackarness for accompanying the students. We hope the day is a springboard for them to access leadership opportunities in 2017. This process will commence towards the end of Term One, when the students will be invited to write letters of application for leadership positions. In Term Two students will each present a speech to their respective Houses, outlining the qualities they would bring to the position of House Captain.
Second Step Program
As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, the Junior School is implementing the Second Step SEL (Social Emotional Learning) program. To be successful at school, students must be able to regulate their emotions, thoughts and behaviours. The Second Step program promotes development of self-regulation by teaching skills for learning, such as focusing attention, listening, being assertive and using self-talk.
Digital Technologies
As part of the Junior School 2017 Professional Learning program, staff have enrolled in a MOOC (Mass Open Online Course) through University of Adelaide. This course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts of the Australian curriculum – starting with Algorithms and Data Representation and moving toward an introduction to Visual Programming. With Digital Technologies now a mandated course requirement in Year 6 and Year 7, we hope to offer students at the Junior School opportunities in areas such as coding and computational thinking.
Parents and Friends
The College takes great pride in our sense of community and recognises the vital role played by Parents and Friends in drawing together members of our community to continue this important tradition. Parents and Friends aims to promote a feeling of community within the College, provide social opportunities for College parents and to raise funds in support of projects that enhance the education of our students. At the recent Parents and Friends AGM, 2017 office bearers were elected. We would like to invite all Junior School parents to attend the termly meetings, and become a part of this wonderful institution. It is a great way to become part of a great team, and to give something back to the College. If you would like dates of meetings or have any general inquiries, please contact Mrs Povey at the Junior School office, who will provide you with contact details
Student Achievement
Congratulations to Sophie Hill who received a Gold Medal from the Port Fairy Surf Club for winning the
Nippers Under 8 Girls Championship.
Nippers is a program designed for children between the ages of 5 and 14 to teach lifesaving skills and safety around the beach. This national program is structured specifically to children’s ages and abilities and gradually teaches them basic lifesaving skills required to be safe around an aquatic environment as well as developing skills to compete in surf sports.
Mr Stephen Nelson
Head of Junior School
Netball Draw
Round 4 – Saturday, 4th March 8.30am
11 & Under
College Rubies v Gray St Echidnas Court 7
College Sapphires v Gray St Emus Court 5
Results – Round 3
11 & Under
Gray St Koalas d College Rubies 7 to 4
College Sapphires d Ham Nth Gems 14 to 0
Mrs Bernadette Milich
Head of Junior Netball