
The Interhouse Showjumping Competition is scheduled on the school calendar for Friday 3rd March at our Equestrian Centre. Our fabulous Show Jumping Coach Mr Jamie Murray will be building the course and Mrs Lindy Young will be judging! Entries have now closed and the draw has been finalised and is attached. The roster for parent helpers is also attached for your reference. This will also be emailed directly to competitors and their families. Good luck to all!!
Let me know if you have any further questions. Hope to see you all there!
Thank you to the Friends of Equestrian Parent Committee for their efforts with our Show jumping Training Nights at the Hamilton and Alexandra College Equestrian Centre. Please come along with your horse for a relaxed night to practise your skills with your friends! Thank you to our amazing show jumping instructor Jamie Murray for designing challenging courses.
In 2017 there will be Showjumping Training nights held every 2nd Friday night after school. These events will primarily be run by the Horsemanship Parent Committee. All riders at the College are most welcome. A flyer is attached to register your interest, please return this to reception or equestrian@hamiltoncollege.vic.edu.au as soon as possible.
Horsemanship is off and cantering!! Please let me know if you are interested in agisting your horse or having lessons with our amazing instructors as places are filling up quickly. The program is as follows below:
Anthea Sutherland – Dressage
Alicia Field – Eventing
Showjumping with
Jamie Murray
Junior Horsemanship Anthea Sutherland, Alicia Field and we also welcome Judy Jenkin to our coaching team this week!!
Anthea Sutherland - Dressage
Training nights every second Friday afternoon during Term 1. Please see attached notice.
Lessons with Christine Corbidge 4* Senior Parelli Instructor at the THAC Equestrian Centre
If anyone is interested in learning about the Parelli method & how to safely prepare horses on the ground for handling/floating/hoof care/vet care/riding and how to ride for recreation or competition using ‘natural riding dynamics’. Christine specialises in confidence building of both horse and rider, by teaching horse psychology and understanding of horse behaviour from the ground to the saddle. Advanced lessons continue on to ‘Liberty’ training and ‘Finesse in riding’ after basic training on the ground and in the saddle. Please see the attached flyer and/or Contact chris@chriscorbidge.com.au or phone 0355746292
Equestrian Victoria Interschool State Championships
Saturday 8th April to Wednesday 12th April 2017
For all entries go to:
For more information go to: http://www.vic.equestrian.org.au/content/interschools
Link to Equestrian Victoria Interschools Facebook page:
Please read the excerpt below as it is an important notification which was made on the Equestrian Victoria Interschools facebook page in relation to qualifying for this competition. It is now open to all capable riders to have a go at representing their school. Please read through the information on the EV website for more details and see me should you require more details. Riders who have not participated in this event before must see me prior to entering to ensure each rider is suitably competent and experienced enough to compete in these events.
Entries are flowing in for the State Championships and it is evident many riders have been out competing at Interschool events to achieve their participation qualification. This qualification requirement was communicated many times at and since the 2016 State Championships, but it appears some riders have either missed the communication or have expected that exemptions would be granted. The committee have decided that granting exemptions on a case by case basis is not feasible and do not want to disadvantage riders that have genuinely missed the communications. Therefore, the requirement to have competed at an interschool event will not be enforced for this year’s event, however 2018 will have qualification requirements. We would like to remind coaches, riders and school team co-ordinators that it is your responsibility to ensure riders enter classes that they are suitably competent and experienced to compete in.
We hope this alleviates anxious riders and parents who did not have a participation qualification and that you can now enter the biggest Interschool event and represent your school.
For updates, news, Calendar, entry forms, results and more GO TO THE FOLLOWING WEBSITES:
Victorian Equestrian Interschool Series:
Equestrian Victoria:
Please note any horses who are regularly coming to and from the Hamilton and Alexandra College Equestrian Centre must be up to date with vaccinations for Tetanus and Strangles and records of these will be maintained to ensure the biosecurity of the centre. You must also notify the Director of Horsemanship immediately if your horse has been in or originated from Queensland or Northern New South Wales. Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions.
Cox Street Vets are offering our riders a vaccination and health package for all our horses. Should you require further information in relation to this please contact myself at equestrian@hamiltoncollege.vic.edu.au or contact Cox Street Vets directly on ph. 55711202
Ms Amanda Te Boekhorst