Principal's Report

School Camp
Our grade 3/4 students had a fantastic time at Phillip Island. The best weather I have seen in a long time at this time of year. They got to see the Little Penguins, adventure with the giant swing, have some beach fun and just have a great time together. While it is tiring it will have given them many wonderful memories. Thank you to our staff and parents who went along to help out.
Father's Day Breakfast
We had a great turn out to our Father's Day Breaky this morning. I hope everyone enjoyed their bacon and eggs to start the day.
NAPLAN results will be sent home with students this week. Please be mindful that NAPLAN results are a snapshot of your child's learning. It is one test on one day. At Upper Gully we regularly assess where students are at in all areas of learning so that we can set their learning goals and allow them to work on their independent learning. If you have any concerns about your child's learning please speak to myself or the classroom teacher. We know that all students have their own learning needs and we work with parents and students to support these. When you look at the results with your child please celebrate the effort they put in to the tests and positively support them to understand what the results mean for them and their learning.
Hat time
It is time for students to wear a school hat. We are a sunsmart school. We encourage students to wear sunscreen they can bring and apply their own. Wear sunglasses and wear a hat outside. Students without hats will play in the canteen area. School hats are available at the school office for $10.
Have a great week everyone.