Principal's Report

I am incredibly proud of our school community for the way in which it has responded to the State of Emergency and the transition to remote learning this term.  This is a new space for everyone.


Staff, parents and students alike have shown kindness, patience and understanding as we grapple with this sudden change to the way we usually conduct schooling.


Our leadership team has developed handbooks for Staff, Students and Parents to help everyone navigate their way through these changes.

Feedback from the staff has been very positive. Here are some of the comments made in a recent survey conducted with the staff of their experiences so far.


“People are being more patient and considerate of one another”

“Kids are engaged and interested to connect online”

“Loved connecting with the students”

“Most students have been extremely engaged, prepared and ready to learn”

“Students are happy to see me and each other and to keep building relationships”

“Students are building their digital literacy”

“I am learning new skills for myself to help further support students”

Parents have been providing feedback too.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and all staff for all the hard work and dedication during this unprecedented time preparing and transitioning the school to remote learning.  It certainly is a very difficult time for all.”

“Well Term 2 has started, and looks completely different! We have survived week one with the amazing effort from teachers and support staff! I think during remote learning we are all facing the same challenges, internet glitches, technology fails but being flexible and patient is the key!”


This weekend we will be asking our students to provide feedback about their experiences. The link to the survey will be posted on COMPASS.  Next week we begin our Student Mentoring Program. Each teacher has been allocated a small group of students. In the coming weeks the teacher will check in with their students around how they are going with remote learning.  This is another way for our students to remain connected to their teachers and to schooling and for teachers to ensure our students get the support they need.

In today’s newsletter, our Assistant Principal's, Glenn Jenner and Rose Thomson, provide information and tips for students and families around wellbeing and staying connected and I encourage you to read this and take up some of the strategies. 


On site, we have a small number of staff members who are willing and able to supervise students who are not able to be supervised at home.  Each day there is a skeleton staff on site and one staff member in the office. Please call the school if you need to discuss the supports that are available.


My key message to students, parents and staff during these unprecedented times is this  - “Do what you can, when you can, with what you have.”


We are all in this together


Don’t stress about school work. We will get back on track when we return to school. Use this time at home to share your calm, share your strength and share your laughter with your children. Do what you need to do as a family. If you want to go for a walk and take a break from the screen do it. If you want to bake a cake, do it.  If you want to build with leggo, do it.  Learning these life lessons are just as important now.  No children are ahead, no children are behind. Your children are exactly where they need to be.


As we progress through the coming weeks, we will take our lead from our Premier Dan Andrews and our Minister for Education, James Merlino.


Once again thank you to our incredible school community. I wish you all the best in the coming weeks. Stay safe.


Pauline Barker
