
P&C News

President - Michelle Norman

Vice President - Julie Bowe

Secretary - Sarah Donaldson

Treasurer - Rose Cubis

Fundraising - Hep Birse

Uniform Shop Convenor - Annie Gough


Uniform shop is open Monday & Wednesday mornings from 8:15 to 9am


Place your uniform order early for next year.


If parents feel they could contribute time or a skill to the upgrade of the school frontage project please contact the P&C.



Our next P&C meeting is Thursday 22nd October at GGSS Administration Building. 3:00 



Fundraising Term 4

Week 5 Pizza Day - 4th November.


Bookfair will be on from 22nd - 27th October.


Week 9 - Pizza day - 2nd November


Christmas Raffle - Drawn - 4th December


Due to Covid-19 the Christmas concert will be discussed at the P&C meeting.


Thank you for your continued support!