Teaching & Learning 

What will learning look like after the holidays?

As we start to have restrictions eased, it is understandable that families will be wanting to gain a clear picture of what the pathway back to school will look like. Below are some details that will assist with this process and more will be revealed in the first week of Term 4.


Term 4, Week 1:

When we return in Term 4, the first week will be much the same as we have experienced during the past 6 weeks. 

  • Students will continue to meet their classroom teacher at their morning check-ins and small group conferences. I am sure the students and their teacher will enjoy sharing stories from their holiday period.
  • Students will continue to receive their learning activities via the daily lesson plans. These activities will be organised to ease the students back into learning from home.
  • Specialists will continue to provide activities and meet with students in accordance with the Specialist Conference timetable.
  • All teachers will continue to ask for students to submit set tasks via the Learning Tasks tab and provide verbal or written feedback.
  • Friday 9th October, will be a Conference Free Day to allow staff the opportunity to prepare their classrooms and learning spaces ready for the return of students in Week 2.
  • The on-site program will continue to operate to support vulnerable students and those who cannot be supervised at home.

Term 4 Week 2

The school has made the decision for all students to return on Monday October 12. When students return, the priority will be on student wellbeing, re-engaging with the learning routines and rituals at school and ensuring students are provided the opportunity to finish off 2020 successfully and to transition confidently into 2021, especially for our Year 6 students who leave us for secondary school.

When students return to school, they can expect:

  • To be dropped off and picked up at the school gate as our physical distancing policies continue to only allow essential personnel on-site.
  • Strict sanitising routines reintroduced for all students and staff on-site.
  • Teachers and support staff to be empathetic, caring and welcoming with lots of smiles, laughs and quiet chats as students settle back in.
  • A period of time for students to settle back into the routines of school and connect with their peers and teachers.
  • Lots of opportunities for students to build social skills through teamwork and collaborative learning tasks.
  • The reintroduction of  an academic emphasis where learning will start with familiar skills and knowledge and build to the unknown. Students will once again be involved in small group conferences, particularly in the area of English and Mathematics.
  • A normal school timetable with the specialist program starting on the first day.
  • Normal recess and lunch breaks where the students will eat inside and then venture outside for a play.

Returning School Resources 

Red Resource Box or Bag

As we move into the holidays, it is a good time to start gathering all the school resources that have been used during the Remote Learning period. Ensuring these items are returned to school in the red box or red bag on the first day of Week 2 is going to be important so that the continuity of learning can be maintained back in the classroom. We appreciate the efforts that students and their families have made to keep all of the resources in good order during this period of remote learning.


iPads/ Chargers

For those of you who have borrowed iPads, please ensure these are in good working order and ready for return in Week 2.

Lauren, from the office, will be in touch with each of you to organise a return date in Week 2 and to run you through the returns process. 


We thank-you in advance for your cooperation with this matter.


Students Remaining at Home 

The Department of Education guidelines clearly states:


Schools can't provide remote learning once a year level has returned on-site.

It’s simply not practical for teachers to run a mix of remote and face-to-face classes.

Students who need to learn from home on medical advice will be supported – but if parents or carers choose to keep kids home for other reasons, they will need to be responsible for their child’s learning.


Unfortunately, once school goes back on October 12 teachers will not be able to support remote learning unless there is medical advice for the student to remain at home. If your family is in this position, please contact the school office as soon as possible to discuss the options moving forward.


Parent Teacher Check-Ins

This week, teaching staff will be conducting Parent-Teacher Check-ins in order to assist with planning for Term 4.


As the check-ins will be conducted virtually on Webex, the following protocols will assist in the sessions running smoothly:

  • Please don’t enter the teacher’s Webex Meeting space until your designated time.
  • Please find a quiet space that will allow yourself, your child and the teacher to concentrate on the discussion.
  • Having a conversation in the virtual world is a little different to that when we meet face-to-face. Please be understanding that there may be glitches and buffering from time to time.
  • This check-in is exactly as the name suggests, a time for both teacher and parent/carer to spend time discussing the student’s learning behaviours and wellbeing needs. Due to the COVID-19 remote learning situation, teachers may not have the evidence to discuss specific outcomes based on the Victorian Curriculum.
  • Have some questions ready, so they can be discussed first.
  • If time runs out, that is fine, another time can be organised to continue the discussion early in Term 4.
  • Your child is encouraged to be part of the discussion, it is their education after all. Ultimately, it is up to the parents/carers, should they wish to have your child present for the check-in.
  • Be kind, as this has been a challenging situation for everyone involved.

Student Excellence Program 

Last week we had a number of students participate in an activity from the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series. 


Students in Year 3/4 who have an interest and passion in science were lucky enough to participate in the program titled Code of Life.


This program was organised by Monash University and provided students with the opportunity to take a closer look at DNA and learn how to construct DNA models using a program called Tinkercad.


Below are some pictures from the learning experience.



  • Makenzie G
  • Jeremy R
  • Jethro W
  • Bailey Y
  • Harry L


  • Will G
  • Monty F
  • Jarvis D
  • Angus C
  • Cael H