Remote Learning Updates


Foundation & Grade 1/2

Students have been learning body percussion ‘combos’ and performing them to the Body Beats song. It has been great to see everyone at home joining in and having fun with this body percussion piece.

This week students are listening to Carnival of the Animals - Aquarium and responding through drawing and movement. They're Singing along with the well known song  'If you're happy and you know it...' and are taking on the task of 'composing' their own lyrics to this traditional song. 

Grade 1/2s are also learning the action song Tony Chestnut.


Grade 3/4 & 5/6

Students have been enjoying a variety of activities including our Sandhurst Arts on Show songs and dance. They have been learning some Spanish while singing ‘Oye’ and creating new lyrics while practising ‘Nicest Kids in Town’. Some students have been exploring ‘sounds’ at home and making their own instruments. 

This week they are learning the ‘Sevens Hand Clapping Game’. Grade 3/4 are joining in with the action song Tony Chestnut and Grade 5/6 are exploring some Hip hop moves and may even come up with their own dance.


Students across all age groups are venturing on a cultural experience this term. All classes have read or listened to the picture story book ‘Mr. Chicken arriva a Roma’. This book has been enjoyed by all. It has been great to hear about parent’s sharing their knowledge while reminiscing about their own travels to Rome. Student’s are learning about all the famous sites Mr. Chicken visited and the delicious food he enjoyed on his travels.

Michael 3/4 The sites visited by Signor Pollo (Mr. Chicken) in Roma City
Alby 1/2 St. Peter's Bascilica
Emily 5/6 Gelateria
Kallen 1/2
Belle 1/2 Trevi Fountain - Fontana di Trevi
Judd Foundation
Summer 1/2 At a restorante
Michael 3/4 The sites visited by Signor Pollo (Mr. Chicken) in Roma City
Alby 1/2 St. Peter's Bascilica
Emily 5/6 Gelateria
Kallen 1/2
Belle 1/2 Trevi Fountain - Fontana di Trevi
Judd Foundation
Summer 1/2 At a restorante


The Foundation students enjoyed their 100th Day of Learning by dressing up as their 100 year old self. They enjoyed some fun activities and dancing.

3/4 Unit

So it begins again! Thanks to all the students and parents in the 3/4 unit for making such a smooth transition back into At Home Learning.

We have been impressed with the work and the way students are feeling more confident with using the iPads. We have also introduced learning packs that will support their learning along the way. We continue to look forward to seeing the great work from all students!


August 8th was the Feast of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop, our first Australian saint. Her actions always respected the dignity of each human person and she spent her life caring especially for those in need. 


In Religious Education, students read information and watched videos on the life of Mary MacKillop. Here are some work examples from the 3/4 students.

Alessia Borzillo
Angela Wong
Charli Martin
Costantino Rosella
Danni Do-Le
Ebony Worm
Emerson Brady
Kaidyn Walsh
Kane Organ
Nicholas Worm
Alessia Borzillo
Angela Wong
Charli Martin
Costantino Rosella
Danni Do-Le
Ebony Worm
Emerson Brady
Kaidyn Walsh
Kane Organ
Nicholas Worm

Senior Learning

We have settled back into Home Learning and have been working hard to stay focused and on task. 


To settle back into learning from home we kicked off with a crazy hair day.  We watched a video of some little kids organising and planning a haircut for their teachers.   CRAZY.  The challenge has been thrown out to Mrs Basile, Miss Marshall and Dom – look out when we get back!  Here are some of our crazy hair styles.

Our Inquiry Learning is driven by Geography and we are studying deserts from around the world. Titled different yet the same, we are researching and inquiring into the orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives. The key concept is causation which is the understanding that things do not just happen, that there are causal relationships at work, and that actions have consequences.   We are wondering why is it like this.  Attached is a report on Egypt by Jacob Christopher that explores one of the countries that is very much desert like.

Finally, we would like to share a letter by one of our students, the name has been changed for obvious reasons. The letter was a part of English and a project called Dear Australia.  We were encouraged to share our thoughts during this time of lock down, with the intent that the letters will be sent to the National Archives in Canberra and recorded for historical purposes.  Who knows this author could become quite ‘infamous’!

Enjoy the read. 


Stay Safe. Be Happy. Keep Sane!


Keep Smiling