Art News

Earlier this year in our first lockdown, we saw many teddy bears in windows, messages of kindness and hope chalked out on footpaths and rainbow pictures stuck facing our streets. This time round, there is another activity that is beginning to take hold in and around our Melbourne suburbs in the hope that it provides some cheer in these challenging times.

You may have already seen “spoon villages” popping up in parks and on nature strips. 


“Spoonville’ originated in the English village of Winnersh then spread across Britain and is now quite popular in Victoria.


Our Prep students were set with an art task of ‘dressing up a spoon’ and ‘planting’ it in St. Simon’s Spoon Village – at the front of our school between the top and lower car park (see images below).


I am now inviting anyone else who would like to add to the village to pick up a spoon of any sort and turn it into some character. Be creative in your designs – make your spoon into a monster, animal, cartoon character, book character or even an image of yourself or a friend. Invite your neighbours to join in the fun. There will also be an invitation on the site, asking passers-by to add their contribution. 

Let’s keep putting smiles on faces as we reach out to others in a small but fun way.

I wonder how big our village will become by the time we return to school?



  • Place your spoony person during your daily exercise.
  • Make sure ‘bits’ don’t blow off your spoony person – we don’t want to litter.
  • Spoony people are not keen on dogs so we must keep our dogs back.
  • Come and visit Spoonville but make sure you don’t stay out too long and REMEMBER NO TOUCHING!
  • Make sure spoony people can take the rain….nail varnish is good for the faces.

Feel free to use items such as sticks from the garden for legs and arms if you wish.



Thank you


Mrs Dabb

Art Leader