Remote Learning Level 6

This Term, the Year 6 topic for inquiry learning was called ‘Put A Spark in It’. 

During this unit of work the students investigated different types of energies. The Year six students applied their learning and created their own amazing electrical circuits as well as designed an object that required  some form of energy. 

As part of this unit of work students researched an inventor of their choice and found out some interesting facts about the person. 

One of the many highlights for this unit was the Science incursion called ‘Feeling Hot Hot Hot’ and ‘Mad About Science’. 

We thank Ms Hannett, Ms Gilling, Ms Phelan and Mr Camerino for the hands on science experiments and amazing incursions that they have organised this term.


Also during remote learning the Year 6 students have continued to have whole level activities, such as assemblies and liturgies. Last week's liturgy celebrated Father’s Day and both teachers as well as students did a fantastic job organising and running it remotely!  


Furthermore this term, the Year six students have been preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation and have completed some great projects on a saint of their choice. As you can see from the photos, the saint projects look wonderful. 



Monica Rayner 

Teaching and Learning Leader

School Maths Leader