What's Happening at OLA!


Looking after creatures is an important ability for small children.  In Pre-Kindergarten, we encourage the children to be curious and we teach them to appreciate the natural world. If we can inspire them with respect for other living things, then we can look forward to our earth benefitting from their care. In the last four weeks, we have been caring for our class silkworms. The children have observed them with magnifying glasses and counted them. The worms are fed on mulberry leaves and moult five times whilst in their worm state. It’s fascinating watching the life cycle of a silkworm!


There was a special request this week for the class to cook donuts. It;s lucky that Pre-Kindy owns a donut machine and therefore, on Thursday, we cooked some lovely mini donuts. We read the recipe and followed the instructions and everyone had a stir of the batter. As you can imagine, there were no leftovers!

Mrs Petkovic


In Kindy, we have been investigating the life cycle of the butterfly.  Our investigation table has been full of information for children to explore their learning.   We have read information books to get all of the facts about caterpillars and butterflies and we are now experts!  We have also read the classic Eric Carle story of, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  The children have enjoyed many of the activities.  They have built a model of a butterfly with stones and twigs then drew their model. They have painted butterflies and talked about their symmetry. We have made amazing hungry caterpillars with playdough too.   We have been very busy little people and have learnt so much! 

Mrs Fruvall and Mrs Taylor

Year 1

Last Friday night, we had our Pyjama Party Disco. We got to wear our favourite pjs and dance to our favourite songs, it was lots of fun! This week, we have been practising for our Performing Arts Festival item where we will be singing two songs, Polliwog and Mickey Mouse March.


Last week, our P & F Wish List items arrived and we were so excited to see what was in the boxes. We have loved using our new resources in the classroom, especially our geometry kit, Dive into Shapes, as we are learning about 3D shapes.

Miss Saraceni and Mrs Ravi

Year 3

We cannot believe that we are almost near the half way point of Term 3! The Year 3s have been super busy over the past few weeks, learning lots of new things and staying nice and dry with the wet weather that we have been experiencing!


Our assembly was a huge success, even if we did have to say that we loved homework! We are very excited and looking forward to singing the song we sang at assembly at the Performing Arts Festival next Monday.


This week, we also had a very special delivery! Thanks to the amazing P & F, both the Year 3 classes are now very proud owners of our own jellybean tables and wobble stools. The furniture is getting lots of use and we are so grateful for this classroom addition. Thank you again to the P&F!

Mrs Vella, Mrs Pilatti and Mrs Tollis

Year 5

Exciting things are happening in Year 5 this term!


In Science we are learning all about light. We know that light reflects (or bounces) off an object and into our eyes. This is what makes us see! Also, we've learnt that light travels in a straight line.  We used mirrors to reflect the light around a box to see. We love Science!


Then, in Maths this week, we have been learning about improper fractions and mixed numerals. Improper fractions are when the numerator is larger than the denominator and mixed numerals are numbers that include both whole numbers and fractions. We have had lots of fun converting improper fractions into mixed numbers.

Ms Knight and Mr McIntyre