Principal's Message

Mary MacKillop Prayer

Ever generous God,

You inspired Saint Mary MacKillop


To live her life faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ


and constant in bringing hope and encouragement


to those who were disheartened, lonely or needy.


With confidence in your generous providence


and through the intercession of Saint Mary MacKillop


We ask that our faith and hope be fired afresh by the Holy Spirit


so that we too, like Mary MacKillop, may live with courage, trust and openness.


Ever generous God hear our prayer.


We ask this through Jesus Christ.



Plenary Council 2020

At last week's CEWA Executive Director's Leadership Forum, Lana Turvey Collins spoke to the 160 School Leadership Teams  about the Plenary Council 2020. A Plenary Council is a formal meeting of the Bishops and other representatives of all the dioceses of the Catholic Church in Australia. Its purpose is to discern what our Lord is asking of us in Australia at this present time. While the church should be asking that question continually, a Plenary Council is a particularly graced instrument for seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance. And it has the authority to make church laws on the results of its discernment. 


Although in the end it will be the Bishops who will vote on any future directions for the church in Australia, they will be making those decisions in the light of the people's views and thoughts. The last time a Plenary Council was held was in 1937, which makes the Plenary Council 2020 very different. We as Catholics, have an opportunity to participate in the Plenary and express our views.


For more information about the Plenary Council 2020, please refer to the link below. 

Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop

On Wednesday, the Year 5 children led Mass as we celebrated the feast day of Australia’s first saint, Saint Mary of the Cross, or as we commonly know her, Mary MacKillop.


Mary MacKillop was born in Melbourne, Victoria, in 1842. Her mission was to provide education for the isolated and the disadvantaged. To do this she began a new religious order, which provided education for the children in the outback regions in Australia. Her first school was in Penola, South Australia. She lived most of her life in western Victoria and South Australia.


Mary strived to discover God’s will in all things. She trusted in God’s providence. Her most famous saying is, ‘Never see a need without doing something about it.'

Feast of the Assumption 

Next Wednesday, 15 August, is the Feast of the Assumption. Please see the attached flyer for information regarding the day, and events that will be happening at OLA to celebrate our Feast Day.


Thank you to those families who have already sent in their donations for the Fete. If you have not done so already, can you please pass on your donations to your child's class teacher as soon as possible.


We hope that you can come along to join us for Mass at 9am and the Fete at 11am.

Feast of the Assumption Parent Help

If you are able to assist with organising the sausage sizzle lunch for the children on Feast Day (Wednesday 15 August) can you please email Rebecca Smith, to advise her that you are able to help from 11.00am. Thank you in advance for your support!

Performing Arts Festival Update

Congratulations to the Recorder Club - Instrumental Ensemble that received an Outstanding Award for their performance last week. They have also been invited to participate in a final tournament for the Primary Instrumental Ensemble Shield. Well done!


We look forward to receiving the results of our Year 4 and Year 6 Liturgical Choirs who performed at St Benedict's School on Tuesday. On Monday, Year 1 and Year 3 will be participating in the Class Choirs section of the Festival. We wish them the best of luck!

OLA Kids' Pyjama Party Disco

What a wonderful night we had on Friday with the P&F Pyjama Party Disco. It was great to see the kids dance the night away to Mr Lacey's tunes! Thank you to all of the parents and family members who assisted on the night. Without your generosity events like this would not be a success - special thanks to Mrs Dani Wares for her commitment to organising the event and the P&F members for their support!

Welcome Back and Thank You

This week, OLA welcomed back Mr McIntyre from Long Service Leave. I would like to thank Ms Samantha Twomey who replaced Mr McIntyre during his leave. A thank you also to Mrs Ella Pearce who has been taking the children for Physical Education lessons while Mrs Stewart has been on leave. We look forward to having Mrs Stewart return next week. Mrs Scoble will also be returning next week, from her leave, and we welcome her back to the OLA community after her secondments.

After School Supervision

A member of the OLA Leadership Team (or staff member in their absence) is on duty at the school's front gate on Chester Avenue until 3.30pm. Parents are asked to please collect their children by this time. If you are running late, and are unable to collect your child by 3.30pm, please contact the Office on 9471 3000 so that your child can be notified and that the Leadership Team are aware.

Chester Avenue Access and Parking

A local resident, who lives on Chester Avenue, visited me last Tuesday to voice his disappointment with parents parking their vehicles over onto the pathway, along Chester Ave parking bays (over the verge). Elderly residents, especially those with gophers, are then unable get through and become trapped between the cars and fence. 


I have requested, in the past, that parents park their vehicles in the Dianella Plaza carpark and make their way to the school, via the main school entrance or the entrance near the church, but if parents decide to park their vehicles along the Chester Avenue  parking bays, I respectfully request the cars don't go over the pathway. I have made contact with the City of Stirling to discuss the best way to prevent cars from parking over the pathways.

Fathers' Day Breakfast and Mass

A Fathers' Day Breakfast and Mass has been scheduled for 31 August, commencing at 7.00am with the breakfast. A flyer will be sent home over the next couple of weeks. Fathers are encouraged to schedule this event in their diaries.

Have a great weekend!


Greg Martin
