Senior School Report 

Sofia Vearing 

Year 11 and 12

With the last week of Term 3 coming to a conclusion, attention turns now to the holiday break for Year 11 and 12 students. There is a lot for students to think about during this time including getting ready, physically and mentally, for the GAT and the VCE Exam period. This week students were prepared for the GAT via a You-Tube presentation, sample documents and Q and A session during their well-being period. Information is provided in this issue about the GAT schedule for the day, and all students will receive a hard copy of the exam navigator in the mail during the first week of the holidays. There is a lot of information about the GAT on the VCAA website for those parents who are first timers to this test and the link below should take you straight there.


Your VCE student will also want to attend some subject specific lecture during the holiday period. There are a range of lectures that have been publicised to students, so they must select carefully. Please ensure that the students leave themselves enough time to attend to their own personal study and that they have ample time for rest and recovery after a most difficult term. Please also find in this issue information about online lectures provided by the Hamilton and Alexandra College.


We have missed the presence of the senior cohort of students enormously in recent times and we understand that they may not be feeling as confident or organised as usual in the lead up to this holiday period. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me during the holiday period via e-mail.



Mrs. Sofia Vearing

Senior School Coordinator.