Principals Report 

Jonathan Rowe

Dear Parents and Guardians,


We have reached the end of Term 3 and with a sigh of relief we are able to move into a holiday period with fewer restrictions. This is a time for students to close their computers, put down their screens and to embrace the improving weather. It is a time to re-charge and re-energise ourselves before we return to face-to-face learning, something I am sure we are all looking forward to.


Term 4 will be a critical time for the re-engagement of our students and the re-establishment of school routines. As a school we understand there will be an adjustment and we are planning ways to make this as seamless as possible. During the period of remote learning, some students have faced barriers to their learning. Many others have found new pathways to learning. What will matter most in Term 4 is providing continuity in learning and support for every student to the fullest extent possible. This means refocusing our efforts on a set of common and core priorities: the most important things our school must deliver over the remainder of this year and into 2021. This will make sure that every student in our care is supported in their wellbeing and learning.


The priorities in Term 4 will be to:

  • begin the process of catch-up learning and continue to extend those who progressed well during remote and flexible learning
  • support students to re-establish friendships and class groups when back on-site, and provide additional support where needed
  • ensure every 2020 Year 12 student can complete their VCE and VCAL, and appropriately mark this significant milestone
  • help every student prepare for 2021 with a sense of purpose and optimism

A number of restrictions will still apply in Term 4 and these restrictions limit what we are able to do. 

One of the events affected is the Cadet Parade. Sadly, we have cancelled this event for 2020. 

If restrictions ease, an abridged version may be possible which would allow us to acknowledge the current Cadet Leaders. 


Please note: Sunday October 25, 2020 is no longer a scheduled school day. 

Monday November 2, 2020 is now a regular school day and students are expected to attend.


A reminder to parents/guardians that Friday 23 October 2020 is a gazetted public holiday as the Friday before the AFL Grand Final. The public holiday has been moved from Friday 25 September. 


Term 4 Dates:

  • Wednesday October 7, 2020 (Week 1) General Achievement Test (GAT)
  • October 5 – 9, 2020 Remote Learning continues for all students’ years 7-12
  • Monday October 12, 2020 (Week 2) All students return to school to resume face-to-face learning

I would also like to remind parents, we are asking that if a student is unwell, they need to remain home from school. As you can imagine the same protocols need to be in place for staff as we continue to do all we can as a school and as a community to protect each other and fight this pandemic.


As we return in Term 4, I will continue to remind students about our key messages and the importance of adhering to these while at school. 


If Sick – stay home: The most important thing any student can do is if you are unwell, if you are sick you must stay at home. We all need to be responsible and stay home when we are not well.


Social distance at school: Everyone knows that in this changed world we need to keep 1.5 m apart whenever possible. You may naturally want to hug your friends when you see them as we come back together - please refrain from doing this. We need to remember that to keep one another safe we must continue to practice social distancing. 

Stay left & Stay Moving: In stairwells and high traffic areas at Monivae we need everyone to stay left and stay moving.  If people stop to talk or gather in stairwells, in high traffic areas and around lockers it prevents others practicing social distancing. 


Sanitise responsibly: Hand hygiene is critical to everyones' safety, as students go to the bathroom, washing your hands properly will be critical. The College will also have sanitiser units in each classroom, we ask that you sanitise as you enter each room. 

Study, Stay Connected, Sleep and nurture your spirit: I could add sport and work and the arts – for your wellbeing we are encouraging balance in all things as you come back.  It has been an unusual and trying time and we want you to stay well, this will be achieved by approaching all this with balance. Focus on your school week, but do it in equilibrium with the other healthy things in your life. 


All school-based staff and secondary students are required to wear face coverings at school, and when travelling to and from school.

Coronavirus pandemic and College finances

Will there be a refund on fees as a lot of activities haven’t gone ahead this year?


Note for 2020. As always we aim to keep the fees as modest as possible and whilst it is true that there have been savings this year, it is also true that the vast majority of our costs are fixed and some expenses have risen as we have moved to delivering educational outcomes to your children in an online format. Overall, we have increased our provisions to assist families in genuine financial need due to the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, and we believe the needs of our community will be best served by responding to families on a case by case basis, rather than by offering general discounts across the board. If you require financial assistance with your fees please contact our Business Manager, Jim Bailey via


Additionally, we are also working towards minimizing any fee increases in 2021 so that all families will be assisted.


I thank you for your continued support and contribution to your Child(s) learning this term. I hope and pray that you are able to enjoy the small freedoms with the easing of restrictions and are able to embrace family and friends, whom you may not have seen, in the coming weeks.


Kind regards,


Jonathan Rowe
