Challenge Page

Have a go at finding out what these mean and use them to impress your family and friends. 

  • Kerfuffle –
  • Lickety-split -
  • Mollycoddle -
  • Rambunctious –
  • Shenanigan -

This Week’s Family Challenge: Olympics

  1. Human Ring Toss

Supplies needed: 

  • 1 pool noodle per team (example: 2 teams 2 noodles)
  • duct tape

*Secure pool noodle into a ring shape with duct tape.

First team member steps out 3-4 feet from team members. Rules: he/she cannot move his/her feet but can shift their body to help the thrower. Second team member attempts to “ring toss” this team member.

If he/she is successful the “ringed” team member moves to the back of the line and the next 2 team members (one being thrower the other moving out to designated length) attempts to “ring” the member.  If unsuccessful, the “thrower” must retrieve the noodle and run back to starting line and attempt it again until he/she is successful.  First team to complete ALL players being the “thrower” wins.

  1. Fly Swatter Golf

Supplies needed:

  • 1 fly swatter per team (example: 5 teams 5 fly swatters)
  • plastic practice golf balls or similar

Determine a designated length of course.  Each team member swats plastic ball on ground to the desired length of course then back to their team. Next team member receives the swatter and completes the course.  First team to complete all members wins.

  1. Solo Stack

Supplies needed:

  • one stack of cups per team

Stack cups with a “coloured” one at the bottom of the stack. Each team member runs to the tables of solo cups and stacks cups ONE AT A TIME until the coloured cup is at the top. They then place the stack of cups back on the table and runs back to tag the next team member. First team to complete wins.

4. Water Frisbee Fill

Supplies needed:

  • 1 frisbee per team
  • 1 large container filled with water per team (I used distilled water jugs – these are placed where all team members are lined up)
  • 1 tall narrow container at the end per team

Each team members fills frisbee with desired amount of water and runs to the end to pour the water into the container, being careful not to spill. The team member then sprints back to their team so the next person can fill the frisbee with water and run to dump into the container. First team to fill the container at the end with water, to the brim, wins.

  1. Beach Ball Race

Supplies needed:

  • 1 inflatable beach ball per team
  • 1 laundry basket per team

Two team members place ball between their back and lock elbows. Rules: they cannot touch the ball with their hands.  Pairs run to the laundry basket and drop ball with hands still secured behind their backs. If ball does not fall into the laundry basket, they are to “re-start” and attempt again from the beginning. When the ball falls into the basket, pick up ball and run back to give to the next two team members. If you have an odd number on your team, the last member will place ball between their knees and run to basket to drop there. First team to complete wins.

  1. Frisbee Golf

Supplies needed:

  • 1 frisbee per team
  • 1 laundry basket per team

Place laundry basket at desired length. Each team member is to throw frisbee into laundry basket. If member miss the basket they are to run back to line and try again. When successful, they hand frisbee to next team member. First team to complete wins.

Activities sourced from



Riddle me this!!!!!!  Can you work out the answers to these riddles? If you can’t then look in the box below!

1. What word is spelled wrong in the dictionary?

2. How far can a fox run into the woods?

3. What has to be broken before you can use it?

4. If two’s company, and three’s a crowd, what are four and five?

5. What goes up but never comes back down?

6. When things go wrong, what can you always count on?

7. How many letters are there in the English alphabet? 

8. Mary has four daughters, and each of her daughters has a brother — how many children does Mary have? 

9. If a red house is made of red bricks, and a yellow house is made of yellow bricks, what is a greenhouse made of?

10. David’s parents have three sons: Snap, Crackle and…?