Kids Corner 

Some of the wonderful work being done at home

Being Grateful by Oli MK 1JB
Being Grateful by Oli MK 1JB

House design and model by Marko 1CS  Architect in making!!!


By Pepa 1CS


 Fairy Tales by PTA

by Avelyn PTA


Green Riding Hood


Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Green Riding Hood, who lived with her father.


She wanted to make a pie for her grandma.  She needed some berries for the pie so she went into the woods to pick the berries for the pie. 


She found some berries in a bush. She went into the bush to get the berries. She got stuck in the bush because there was poison ivy on top of the bush. 


She called for help, and nobody came. She called again and a wolf came. She thought it was a mean wolf, but the wolf took her out of the poison ivy bush, and the wolf took her back to her home. 


Then the wolf came inside the house, and then Green Riding Hood's Dad got an axe because he thought it was a mean wolf (not a good one). Then Green Riding Hood told her Dad all about the wolf rescuing her and then he put the axe away.


Then all of them went out together in the forest to pick some berries, and then they made the berry pie at Grandma's house, and they all ate it together.  The End.

By Charlotte K, Prep TA


Inside/Outside by 2CD


Ashlee 2CD
Ashlee 2CD


Harper 2CD
Grace 2CD
Harper 2CD
Grace 2CD


Atticus 2CD
Lenny 2CD
Atticus 2CD
Lenny 2CD


Sam 2CD
Sam 2CD
Pizza Shop Jacob 1JB
Tilly G 1JB to make you smile
Matilda C Design and Model
Pizza Shop Jacob 1JB
Tilly G 1JB to make you smile
Matilda C Design and Model

Last Thursday, 28th of August, was Daffodil  Day. The Year Twos learned what the day is about and created some amazing letters and artwork to mark the day. The students were given the overall task of making other people feel happy on the day. 

About Daffodil  Day

The daffodil is recognised all over the world as the symbol of hope for people affected by cancer. 

The Cancer Council of Australia has chosen the daffodil as their emblem because the bright yellow colour is cheerful and that daffodils start to appear in our gardens as Spring starts in Australia. 

So, the daffodil  is often seen as symbol of hope. 

Jessic 2AQ
Jessic 2AQ





All work reproduced with permission of parents.