Physical Education

We ran our way through week 8 and then learnt "Water Safety" in week nine. Remember if you didn't have a chance to enjoy all the challenges I have set this term go back to the "general post" page on the P.E tile. Scroll up to find all of the lessons this term. You can work through them at your leisure. Here are the last of the super stars for Term 3.

Ross 1M


Adelphe 1Z running against future foundation student Rafa.


Alex 10 metre sprints across garden


  1. 4.23s
  2. 3.31s
  3. 3.16s PB

Jazzy 10 metre sprints across garden

  1. 3.56s
  2. 3.66s
  3. 2.81s PB Kittler record

Jazzy Punt Challenge

9 out of ten over the hedge into the garden.


Alex Punt Kick Challenge

9 out of 10 over the hedge into the garden.


Sanitago FC

Amy FC

Milly FC

Ryan W FDL

Jack 1M