Across Flick's Desk

Principal's Report

Welcome to week 7

Congratulations Parents, we are on the home stretch! Two weeks of Term 3 Remote Learning to go!   I know that things have been hard but we couldn’t be prouder of our community!  I am hoping that we have some clarity on Term 4 after Dan Andrew’s announcement on Sunday but at this current point we don’t have any clarification as to what term 4 will look like. I will update you as soon as I hear any news. 


Wellbeing week 

What a fabulous week last week was! I have seen lots of pictures of creative work from the students, paintings, lego, origami, board games and lots of outdoor activities! If you haven’t already seen pictures, our Spoonville is expanding and we have some extremely creative students in our midst! If you would like to add to Spoonville just drive through the kiss and drop! 


The Resilience Project

This year at school we were meant to be engaging with The Resilience Project. This would have allowed us to have parent, student and teacher information sessions. Due to COVID we have had to postpone this until next year however The Resilience Project has developed TRP @ home. This website gives parents resources to use at home to practice Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness.  Please follow the link below to view the website:


Thank you

I would just like to say thank you to our teachers, parents and students. Our teachers are working around the clock to have lessons planned, videoed and online meets happening. There is a lot of detail behind the scenes to get online learning happening and I just want to acknowledge all their efforts. (If you haven’t watched it already, our second bloopers video will give you a good laugh).

To the parents, I know how hard this has been and we want to thank you for supporting us and being fantastic teachers! You guys have done an amazing job!!

Finally our students, we know you are sick of that screen and we know you are all missing each other. Just know we are so proud of you and the way you have negotiated online learning.  We miss you terribly and we can’t wait until we can see you!


Remember we are always just a phone call away and we will get through the last weeks of term together! 

Stay home and stay safe. 


