Our Catholic Identity

First Reconciliation

Congratulations to all Year 3 students who celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time last Thursday 27 August. Thank you to Fr Patrick and Fr Richard for their time and guidance in celebrating the Sacrament. Thank you to the Year 3 parents and teachers, Miss O’Donoghue, Miss Gammill and Mrs Vincent for preparing the students so beautifully for this significant event. The students were extremely prayerful, excited and even a little nervous.  May the love of God be in their hearts and minds as they prepare for the Sacrament of First Communion in the coming months.


Sacramental  Program for 2020


First Holy Communion 

Thank you for all that have booked and finalised payment for their child to receive First Holy Communion.


Any changes to First Holy Communion due to COVID restrictions will be communicated through the COMPASS Parent Portal.



Due to COVID-19 Restrictions it is a requirement that we have the details of all Parent/Carers who are attending First Holy Communion Mass prior to the event.


Reminders have been sent to those who have not completed this step.


PLEASE NOTE: This information will be forwarded to the Parish for COVID-19 register requirements.


Sacrament of Confirmation

Thank you for all that have booked and finalised payment.  



Fr Laurence Freeman is a Benedictine Monk and the spiritual guide and Director of the World Community for Christian Meditation. He is an international speaker and retreat leader and is the author of many articles and books. In this Episode Laurence is speaking from Bonnevaux which is the International Meditation and Retreat Centre of The World Community for Christian Meditationbased in the south-west of France. Bonnevaux is a residential community which lives in the spirit of the Rule of St Benedict together with volunteers from many parts of the world. It is a place which fosters global peace and unity among all traditions through dialogue, silence and friendship. https://bonnevauxwccm.org/


In this first episode Laurence will explore the practice and fruits of Christian Meditation and in an upcoming episode (Part 2) he will offer some insights on the importance of Building a Contemplative Society. I would regard Laurence as one of the great mystics of our time and as someone who is leading the cultural shift towards a contemplative path. He acknowledges that meditation will not instantly solve all problems but it does have the capacity to change how we view and deal with the challenges we face.


"The real fruit of meditation is that you become a more loving person, because you will experience yourself to be loved." Fr Laurence Freeman OSB