Lyn Strachan


How quickly has this term gone! 

We have already finished T3 week 7 and even though our world is quite chaotic and some days seem as though they go on forever, we have made it through.

We are still waiting for advice on what T3 week 10 will mean to us all, and we will of course let you all know as soon as we do hear anything.


Our staff will be planning for term 4 during week 9.  We are all optimistic that we will be back to onsite learning during term 4, so the staff will be planning with this in mind. 

This will mean for one day they will not be online, supporting the students. The students will be expected to work independently of their classroom teachers on that day.

Please put these dates into your family calendar.

Prep teachers will be offline on Wednesday 9th September

Grade 1/2 teachers will be offline Monday 7th September

Grade 3/4 teachers will be offline Wednesday 9th September

Grade 5/6 teachers will be offline Tuesday 8th September


I know I have said this on numerous occasions, but thank you families for all the support you are giving both your children and the school during this COVID times.

We have a great community and the staff have been so positive about the interactions they have been having with both students and families. 



On a personal note, I am now a very proud Nanna, of a beautiful little girl Audrey Mavis Strachan.  Audrey was born on August 11th up in Brisbane and is our very first grandchild. We cannot wait to be able to hug her in person once the borders open up again. 

Let’s all keep doing what is right, and keep our community free from COVID19.