Principal's Report

Welcome to new staff

We recently added some new staff to our team.

Shae, who has previously been a Prep teacher with us who was on leave for this year is returning to take up one of our Year 5/6 classes. We welcome Shae back and look forward to our work together.


The Department has funded schools with a Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader role to help students, teachers and families with identifying supports for students. Lucinda was the successful applicant and will begin her work with our school community the first day back next Term. We welcome Lucinda to our school and look forward to our work together.


We have added a finance admin position to further support our admin team. Andrea will be joining our school in this role next term. We look forward to our work together.  


Have a wonderful holiday everyone! Thanks for a wonderful Term 2, filled with lots of fun learning and events and activities for our students. 

Our House Spirt

We began working with Our House Spirit in Term 1 this year. Our House Spirit works with schools and in particular student leaders to implement fun and engaging activities for students and the school community. Last term our student leaders worked with the team from Our House Spirit to welcome Preps to their House colour. They created key rings with them that can be attached to their school bag. This term the team is organising a House colour day, our students are looking forward to putting on this special day for our students. You can read and view more about Our House Spirit in the link below.  

New Building

Work on our new building will begin next term in September. Below you will find a link to some of the architects drawings of the building. The building will be completed at the end of 2024 ready for use in 2025. The building consists of 8 classrooms, 2 STEM rooms and a large library which can also be used as a meeting space for teachers and for parent sessions. The building also has a number of meeting spaces for teachers to access.

This building is part of the Department of Education's new school expansion project.

Playground, Paths, Walkways, Garden and Musical Instruments

Architects have completed the drawings and design for our Our new playground and this has gone out to tender. We are hoping that the playground, paths, walkways and garden near the sandpit and musical instruments in the learning street will be completed by the end of next term. This project was funded by the Department of Education's Inclusive Schools Fund. 


New Paths

New temporary paths have been installed to reduce the amount of mud around the school. These paths link our Year 5/6 doubly storey building across to the gym and performing arts  area and provide access for students during recess and lunch to navigate to and from the canteen, basketball courts and oval. This will also help for families who access the car park at the softball ground. A big thank you to Ian and Luigi, our maintenance staff who worked on this project.


Assembly is held every 2nd Thursday morning at 9am in our gym, The Golden Sun Centre.