Visual Art

Teachers: Rebecca & Carly

Hello Aitken Hill Primary!


We can't believe that Term 2 is over and we are halfway through the year!

Time flies when we are having fun and that's what is happening in the Visual Art Department!


For those that have not seen Carly around, this is her!

Be sure you say Hello if you see her!

Term 2: The Term of COLOUR!




Students have been using colour knowledge and creating some incredible plasticine art!

They have had to not only remember their primary colours (red, yellow and blue) but also mix them together to create secondary colours. Through this they have been creating colour plasticine animals! 

We cannot wait to see their finished products of all these wild and wacky animals!

Examples of student's plasticine animals!




In the 1/2 Community, students have been working on creating egg carton animals based on their colour knowledge. They have had to design an animal using primary and secondary colours as well as their knowledge of cool and warm colours to mix colours and create a 3D animal from egg cartons. Students have gone through the design process of drawing an animals, colouring it and telling us what materials they are going to add to it,  now they are in the process of creating their animal sculpture using primary and secondary colours as well as 3D items (pipe-cleaners and pom poms) to give their animals body parts and movement through the colour.

Examples of student's Animal Colour Sculptures.




The 3/4 Community has been designing and now creating their Aitken Hill Nature Landscape picture using an area of the school where nature is present and there is a variety of colours. Students loved going outside for class and drawing their design, taking in their surroundings. They are now in the midst of creating their good copy using oil pastels and blending primary and secondary colours and might I say, these artists are creating incredible pieces of art and have really captured the nature and beauty that may not always be seen and taken in at Aitken Hill.

Some examples of our Aitken Hill Nature Landscapes!




In the 5/6 community, the students are focussing on creating an Abstract Self-Portrait with the use of colour and texture.

They have been been through the design phase and are now transferring onto A3 paper and outlining the transferred copy in black texta. They will then paint the background abstract parts in bright, vibrant colours we have learnt about (the different shapes and areas) and once that is done, students will stick on items to make the self-portrait part of the image 3D, this may include beads, pieces of straw, scrunched up coloured paper, pipe-cleaners, pom poms, cellophane and other items in the art room. These pieces of work are incredible and this task has shown students persistence as it it a longer task but students have taken their time to get every detail the way they want as well as utilises all the knowledge of colour we have taken on this term.

Some examples of our students colourful abstract Self-Portraits!


Reminder of Room Location:

Visual Arts Room 1 is located in STEAM 1 (Between the Argus and Xenica Building)

Visual Arts Room 2 is located in STEAM 2 (Between the Achilles and Ulysses Building)




A reminder, if your child has an old t-shirt, spare top or decide to purchase an art smock, please consider sending this item to school as an art smock. I have set up art smock tubs for each class so students may bring them and store them at school. This will help, if students are working with materials like paint or clay and prevent getting other materials on their uniforms. Please send their art smocks (again a spare top or if you prefer to purchase a smock you can) with their name and grade clearly labelled on them, these can then be placed in class tubs to prevent lost property. 

Thank you for your understanding.


We are always extremely proud of Aitken Hill students' creativity and expression through art work and can't wait to see the students finished pieces.


Thank you,


Rebecca & Carly

Visual Art Teachers