Performing Arts

Performing Arts Highlights!
Year Prep The Argus and Xenica communities continued to explore the dance elements focusing on energy, form and using the space. Students experienced different movement qualities such as performing actions as a robot (sharp), butterfly (soft) and monster (strong). They also created actions to match the narrative of a song which was based on life in the olden days. Students finished the term with exploring a range of characters and demonstrating how to move safely in the space using actions to match the timing of the music.
Year 1/2
The Achilles, Luna and Ulysses communities continued to rehearse and perform dance choreography based on the movie, ‘Trolls’. They performed to their peers and provided feedback on how they used the dance elements and simple expressive skills. Students finished the term with choreographing their own dance sequence with a partner based on a new song from the movie. We look forward to showcasing this performance at Assembly in Term 3.
Year 3/4
The Icarus and Apollo communities continued to create their drama character profiles that were inspired by photos of ordinary people in society. Students then developed their character voice, movement, and dramatic interactions with others in the space. They collaborated with others to create freeze frames that showed a storyline with a beginning, middle and ending. Students finished the term with creating a human comic strip with added dialogue to match their scenes.
Year 5/6
The Monarch community continued to interpret their scripts with their partner to perform with confidence in front of their peers. Students experimented with their character’s physicality and emotions by using props and costume pieces to enhance their scene. They developed their drama vocabulary when giving peer feedback and analysing their own performances. We look forward to presenting a few scenes from the students at an Assembly in Term 3.
Events: Kinect2Dance“Greetings Students, Parents and Teachers,
We are Anantbir and Craisol from the Monarch Community and we would like to tell you about the incredibly, interesting and awesomely acrobatic, fantastically fun incursion last week on Friday. It was a Dance Workshop and we had a special guest from Kinect2Dance teach our students some special dance moves and music from S Club 7 and more!”
Craisol and Anantbir from 56A wrote this speech for Assembly and performed a dance sequence they learned from the incursion. We thank them for their assistance on the day.
Aitken Hill Choir Crew!
The Year 3-6 students that have expressed an interest in Choir have already started to develop their confidence and stage presence when performing in front of an audience. From the first briefing to the following two sessions, students have participated in whole body stretches and energisers, breathing techniques as well as vocal warm-ups to understand what makes a great singer. Students will be focusing on singing the Australian Anthem and then an upbeat fun song with simple actions of their choice.
Emily & Dana Performing Arts Teachers