Deputy Matters

Dear Parents/Carers and Community,
I would like to thank you all for your support of our staff, both teaching and non-teaching staff throughout this year. We have twenty-eight staff members who work to help our students reach their collective and individual goals throughout the year.
I would also like to thank you for waiting to park in the afternoon in the designated parking spots before picking up students. Your patience and consideration for student needs is appreciated.
A reminder that full school uniform is expected at our school. If you have any questions/queries regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact either of our two head teachers – Ms Devi and Ms Mohammad.
Our mobile phone policy works to ensure that students are able to concentrate on learning. We would appreciate your support in reminding your child to use the Yondr phone pouch provided each day when bringing a mobile phone to school.
We have had many exciting events throughout this semester that have included students for the Special Education Support classes.
Our focus this term has continued to be on developing Life Skills and students have participated in a variety of Community Access Programs including both curriculum-based and support for developing/improving pro-social interactions between student, staff and/or the community. Students really showed their skills in the community and their willingness to try new things which was very pleasing to see.
Students in Freshwater made tasty snacks – thanks Ms Devi.
Students went on excursions to the movies and learnt valuable life skills. Thanks to Ms Mohammad for organising this excursion.
Students understanding of Science was enhanced through an excursion to the Sydney Zoo. Thanks, Mrs Chanda for organising this excursion.
Students had a great time at the Sydney Zoo learning about all the interesting animals.
Students are working on a range of Art works this semester. We encourage them to continue with their work and we look forward to our exhibition later in the year.
Congratulations to Matthew, Jai and Nathan for their wonderful Artwork.
Students from the support unit have also been involved in a range of Dance activities this semester. These have included: the Synergy Regional Dance Festival and a performance at the Spotlight Dance Festival at the Seymour Centre. Aboriginal students from the Support Unit danced at the opening of the Indigenous Rugby League Football. Students and teachers are now preparing for the Shining Stars performance and exhibition in Term 3. I thank Ms Cattanach, Ms Moon, Ms Pinder, Mr Roberts and Ms Au for all their wonderful work in these activities. Their commitment to supporting our students’ participation really goes above and beyond.
I would like to thank you again for your support this Term. I thank all the staff in the Special Education team for their fantastic work and dedication to their roles.
Just letting you know that our staff will be in contact with you shortly regarding the NCCD – Nationally Consistent Collection of Data.
Wishing you all the best for a great winter holiday.
Deputy Principal
Mrs Veronica Mafi