From the Principal
Endeavour College has aligned its Digital Devices Policy with the Government mandated policy and will come into effect at the start of Term 3, 2023. This means that mobile phones are not to be used on campus during the school day from 8:40am to 3:15pm.
Aligning with the government mandate in that 'phones off while school’s on' during school hours helps to promote:
- Classroom environments where teachers and students can focus on and engage with their learning, free from unnecessary distractions causedby the personal use of digital devices.
- A safe environment eliminating the inappropriate use of digital devices during school hours.
- Time away from digital devices for students during break times, encouraging physical activity and play and meaningful
- face-to-face connections with peers.
Please see the link to the policy below including exemptions and appropriate communication channels.
As you're aware, our school canteen is managed by Rory’s School Lunches who provide healthy, delicious and nutritious food to support growth and learning that reflects the National Healthy School Canteens (NHSC) project as part of the Australian Better Health Initiative.
Students can continue to use the QKR app to purchase goods from the canteen outside of school hours, or alternatively with cash or card to purchase food onsite.
No mobile phone payments will be accepted on school grounds in alignment with our Digital Devices Policy.
Staffing Achievements
Mrs Sasha Loveday
On 8 June the South Australian Teacher Certification Committee endorsed the Association of Independent Schools of South Australia’s (AISSA’s) recommendation for the certification of Mrs Sasha Loveday as a Lead Teacher. Sasha demonstrates the capacity to lead others and provide support and advice for colleagues. As a result of the outstanding quality of her teaching practice and through her contribution to the school and educational community Sasha is now recognised in the highest category of teachers in the country.
Mrs Loveday’s strengths and expertise in leading and supporting colleagues are in:
- inclusive education
- pedagogical coaching
- STEM initiatives
- Student and teacher wellbeing.
Mrs Loveday is an enthusiastic and highly effective classroom practitioner, dedicated to improving her own practice and that of her colleagues. Mrs Loveday exemplifies the professional knowledge, skills, engagement and qualities of a Lead Teacher.
Mrs Loveday will be recognized formally later in the year and presented with her Lead Teacher qualification and certification.
Ms Catherine Barnes
Ms Catherine Barnes, Endeavour Colleges Teacher Librarian and Research Project Learning Leader is currently in the US attending the American Library Association Annual Conference being hosted by the Chicago Independent Schools Board.
On Saturday 24 June, Ms Barnes will be presenting on 'Finding New Normal: Library Policies and Practices'. The aim of this session is to explore the role of library policies and practices that balance the needs of the organisation, the needs of the employee, and the need of the patrons. The balance between policy and practice may also be a delicate framework of expectations and understanding new to the landscape of leadership as libraries seek a new normal.
This is an outstanding opportunity and recognition for her wonderful leadership over a long period of time.
Richard Baird