

As teaching staff, it is always a great pleasure to travel away with our students on school camps. Year 6 students and teachers returned last Thursday evening after four fantastic days in Canberra. The students were excellent ambassadors for our school. We received numerous positive comments from members of the public, education officers and tour guides in relation to the exceptional manners exhibited. We had a formal uniform day on the Tuesday where we visited Old Parliament House, the Australian War Memorial and Parliament House. We were lucky to be able to view question time in the House of Representatives and see the Prime Minister, Opposition Leader and how Parliament operated. The politicians were certainly on their best behaviour. Other educational highlights included tours of the Australian Institute of Sport, the Museum of Australia, National Planning Exhibition Centre, National Arboretum, Questacon and Royal Australian Mint. For the record, Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Nelson and Mr. Hawthorne completely dominated the students in the Tuesday night tenpin bowling session. Thanks to Mrs. Povey for all her work behind the scenes in planning a rewarding and enjoyable trip to the nation’s capital, and to the supervising teachers Mrs. Robertson and Mr. Hawthorne for their excellent support and encouragement of the Year 6 students.




Junior School students are invited to a Dinner Disco hosted by our College Year 10 students.  This will be held on Saturday 17 June from 5.00 pm to 7.30pm in the Da Vinci Room in the Middle Years Positive Education Centre, at the Senior School.  Pizza will be supplied, and dietary needs catered for.  Tickets for this fundraising event are $15 with discounts for family purchases. All proceeds go to the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS). Funds raised by the disco will be presented by the Year 10 class to RFDS whilst on their upcoming Central Australia Experience.  Tickets can be purchased in the Junior School office and are on sale until 14 June.



The following students received awards at this week’s Assembly.


Piccino:  Elias Milne for showing an act of kindness by checking if his friend was okay after they had fallen over.

Year 1:  Charlie Wall for improved effort in completing learning tasks in a set time.

Year 1:  Jack Nagorcka for Pride in Uniform

Year 2:  Magnus Gaussen for making a positive start to each day and being a focused and curious learner during class activities. 

Year 3:  Thomas Kennedy for his consistently positive attitude to all school tasks.

Year 4:  Alex Monsbrough for the detail he put into his Netherlands recount writing.    

Year 4:  Sophia Gaussen for her continuous willingness to be an ‘expert helper’ to her classmates when she finishes a task early.

Year 4:  Tommy Brown received his Pen Licence

Year 5: Abel Gaussen for increased confidence in all class and co-curricular activities.  Also for his outstanding efforts in our Text Response unit in which he devoured our novel and at least 3 others in the series!



A wonderful tradition at the Junior School is awarding Camp Brownlow medals to our Year 5 and Year 6 students. In the final week of Term One, the students ventured to the Grampians for a three day outdoor experience which included mountain bike riding, climbing, bushwalking and camp cooking. The students were placed in one of three tribes for the activities. At the conclusion of the camp, students, teachers and Auscamp guides voted 3, 2 and 1 for students displaying the College values of compassion, gratitude, optimism, respect and resilience. 


2023 Camp Brownlow Winners are…

Ked Rangaroos - Sid Hawker (Year 5)

Snowy Chickens - Archie Aitken (Year 5)

Tah Tah Lizards - Dru Mayfield (Year 6)



Crazy hair permeated the Junior School classrooms and playground on Friday for a great cause, the Leukemia Foundation. Young House raised $206.00. Well done to Young House Captain Georgia Kennedy, Mrs Kelly, Ms Bolton, Mrs Callinan and all the Young Guns for their collective efforts.



Next Wednesday, 14 June we will be opening classrooms for parents to visit from 11.20 am to 12.00 pm. This is an opportunity to view the teaching and learning at the Junior School. Our Year 3 class will be having Drama and our Year 4 class P.E at this time.  We encourage parents to move between rooms and not spend the 40 minutes in the one classroom. We request parents not bring pre-schoolers, as this can be a distraction for our students. 



Division 5 

Black Panthers shared the points with Coleraine Maroon in an entertaining 0-0 draw. Best on ground for Black Panthers were Lachlan Pickford and Harriet Small.


Tigers went down 7-0 to a strong Coleraine Gold. The team never gave up the fight and defended with vigour and enthusiasm. Best on ground for Tigers was Hazel Johns.


Division 4

College Foxes were defeated 5-1 in their match with the table-topping Dunkeld side. Best on ground for the Foxes were Lachlan Reid and Oscar Hawthorne. 


There are no scheduled matches for the Kings Birthday long weekend. Our next matches will take place on Saturday 17 June


Stephen Nelson

Head of Junior School



Last week, Yolanda O’Sullivan, Jimmy Dyer and Grace O’Sullivan represented The Hamilton and Alexandra College in the Regional Cross Country Championships. This ended a busy month of trial runs for many of the Junior School students who have also competed at the Hamilton District CC and the Warrnambool Division CC events.


I am excited to report the Yolanda and Jimmy have both now qualified to compete at the SSV State Cross Country Championships which are to be held in the Yarra Valley in July. We wish you all the very best for your runs on this day.


Louise Patterson

PE Teacher