Deputy Principal, Wellbeing

 - Miss Kristen Waldron



IMPORTANT: Please email or call the school if your child is absent for the day, need to leave early or is arriving late:

Students MUST sign in and out at reception if they leave the school at any time during school hours (other than the start or end of the school day). 

If you’ve ever thought about becoming a mentor, now is your chance. Standing Tall in Hamilton Inc. is a local charity and an award-winning, school-based mentoring program working closely with our school partners across the Southern Grampians Shire. 


They are currently seeking community members in Balmoral, Dunkeld, Hamilton and Penshurst who are interested in supporting students in our Program by becoming volunteer mentors.  One hour of your time each week has the potential to change two lives forever. 


More information and contact details available in the following attachment.