Accident Insurance Reminder
Student Accident Insurance Arrangements
Accident Insurance Reminder
Student Accident Insurance Arrangements
Parents and guardians are reminded that they are generally responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students including any transport costs. Some medical costs may be refundable by Medicare, health funds and/or Ambulance Victoria.
The Department of Education does not hold accident insurance for school students and ambulance transport will incur a “fee for service”. All transport would be at the expense of the parent concerned if they were not covered by Ambulance Membership or a holder of one of the following cards: Pensioner Concession Card, Health Care Card or a Health Benefits Card.
However, Ballarat High School does have a staffed and well-equipped sick bay, which operates between 8.30am and 3.30pm each school day. Our First Aide Officer, Ms Robyn Creelman will care for all students feeling unwell, suffering an injury, requiring care or suffering from allergies. Contact will be made with parents/guardians/emergency contacts when required.