Principal and Assistant Principal's Page

Principal's Report
It’s the final week of school. What a very busy and very short term it has been! We have managed to cram in so many events including district cross country for selected 3-6 students, interschool sport and the Winter Gala Day for 5/6 students, Book Fair, Student Attitudes to School Survey for Years 4-6 students, Mother’s Day celebration, the Box Hill Japan Festival, Year 6-7 Transition information evening, the colour fun run, school nurse visits for foundation students, Education Week, Excursions- Year 6 Captains to the Shrine of Remembrance (courtesy of the Rotary Club of Waverley) Year 1-2 classes to the Melbourne Zoo, Foundation Excursion to Myuna Farm, Watashi Mo sausage sizzle and assessment and reporting milestones including school reports and parent teacher interviews.
Donate a Dollar
The State School’s Relief Fund is a service that our school uses regularly to support families with uniforms and other items for their child’s education. During the last week of school, we encourage all families to donate a dollar towards this organization. Gill has a box in the office where families can donate, and we will pass it on to the State School’s Relief fund.
Sports Updates
Recently Alannah (6B) attended the regional cross-country event in Yarra Glen. In her age group, Alannah was placed 24 out of 93 students, putting her in the top third of runners for her age, which is an excellent result. Alannah reported to me that the track was muddy and wet, but the view of the valley at the top of the hill as she ran was spectacular.
Last Friday our Year 5/6 students participated in the Winter Gala Day. Well done to our Mixed Volley Stars Team for taking out the winning title! It was a great effort by all. Our other teams competed well. Some of our netball players reported that some of the students from the other schools were very tall! Thank you to all of our students for displaying their personal best on the day, our staff for supporting the students on the day and our parents who participated by helping out or cheering students on.
Refugee Week 2022 from 19 – 25 June
Refugee Week is an annual celebration that informs the public about refugees and celebrates their contributions. This year’s Australian Refugee theme, ‘Healing,’ aims to raise awareness of the issues affecting refugees, highlights aspects of the refugee experience and helps the broader community to understand what it is like to be a refugee.
We welcome any of our families who may be refugees and hope that their experience of living in Australia is a positive one.
Plastic Free July
Plastic Free July is a global movement that encourages people to be part of the solution to plastic pollution. You can:
check out the Plastic Free July webpage
Plastic Free July is a registered charity based in Australia but operates across the globe. It promotes how making a small change to reduce plastic can collectively make a big difference.
Code Camp- animation
Code Camp is running after school classes in animation at our school starting next term. Please find the booking link
Parents will receive a $15 Early Bird discount if they enrol prior to 30th June using the discount code AS3-EB-15
Extra-Curricular Activities at Huntingdale
We have a range of extra-curricular activities at Huntingdale which students/families can choose to participate in. Here is the current list of activities on offer:
I hope that everyone has a fantastic term break, some time to rest and recharge ready for Term 3.
Ruth Biddle
Assistant Principal's Report
It is almost school holidays. I hope you had the opportunity to talk with your teachers to celebrate your children’s learning at the Parents teachers’ interview.
Online Meeting with Japanese School
Our Grade 5 students connected with Asahi Primary School from Osaka, Japan. Here are some comments from our Grade 5 students.
Arielle: I was happy that they were wearing masks at school and they look like they were having fun. I didn’t know that they have so much homework everyday in Japan. 日本のがっこうでは、まだマスクをつけていました。毎日たくさんの宿題をしていました。おどろきました。Skye: I was surprised that they weren’t wearing school uniform. They were trying their best speaking in English just like we were. 学校の制服をきていませんでした。がんばって英語ではなしていました。わたしたちも日本語で話しました。
Clare: I learnt that they also had things in common with us such as watching Dragon ball. 私たちとおなじようにドラゴンボールを見ている人がたくさんいました。
In week 7, our Grade 3 students made a video call to Yutaka Primary School, a school in Chiba prefecture, Japan. The children of Yutaka Primary School presented about things that are important to them in English, and we presented an engaging quiz about Australia in Japanese. The students had a wonderful time learning about each other and using both languages to communicate!
Foundations Go Public
During Term 2 our Foundation students learnt what living things need to survive. They focused on human’s needs including healthy food, shelter, water, exercise and sleep. They did a presentation to the parents showing and telling them what they have learnt.
Sausage Sizzle Lunch!!
Thank you to Watashi Mo for organising and running Tuesday’s sausage sizzle lunch for our students and teachers. It was lovely to see many parents helping out on the day with cooking, serving and cleaning up.
The students were so excited to smell the sausages as they cooked on the BBQ and then to eat them.
Lost Property
Once again we have lots of lost property.
The lost property basket is located in the office. Please come and have a look. We do our best to return named items to their owners but it is always to good to come and check it out if your missing anything.
Naomi Mori-Hanazono
Assistant Principal