What's Happening this Week at SPS
WHAT’S HAPPENING IN PREP Term 2 Weeks 7, 8 and 9 |
Week 7: Jj -Jack Jellyfish and Uu – Uncle Upton
Week 8: Kk -Kylie Koala and Xx – Max Fox
Week 9: Ww – Wilbur Whale
We will continue to revise the sounds and Heart Words previously taught. Students will continue to practice segmenting and blending words. They continue to learn to identify the difference between letters, words and sentences. Students will begin identifying capital letters and full stops. We will continue recalling events from a familiar story and begin introducing different types of punctuation. In Writing, we will continue writing recounts of our weekends and special events at school. We will be focusing on writing about one idea and drawing detailed illustrations.
Week 7: Addition – Count All/Counting On and Time - sequencing events
Week 8: Numbers to 20 – Place Value and number formation and Time - sequencing events
Week 9: Numbers to 20 – Place Value and number formation and Time - sequencing events
INQUIRY: Past, Present and Future
Week 7 – Olden Day Dress Up Day, Olden Day games Open Afternoon (Friday 9th June)
Week 8 – How to Make food without technology – Making Butter (Could all students please bring a small container that can tightly seal liquid and not leak when shaken. Please bring the container to school by 13th of June.)
Week 9 – Comparing the Past, Present and Future using a timeline.
Wellbeing Lessons in Weeks 7, 8 and 9 will cover how to in a positive way when things go wrong. Students will be involved in a football clinic over Weeks 7 and 8.
HOMEWORK: Please read with your child each day. Continue practicing sounds and Heart Words each day. Continue to sound out and blend words. Reading Eggs can be completed as an extra activity if your child wishes. Their login code is already inside their Homework book.
- Olden Day Dress Up Day Friday June 9th – Dress like a child or adult from the olden days. (See above pictures for ideas)
- Open Afternoon Friday June 9th at 2.30pm – Come and play some olden day games with your child.
- Making Butter - Could all students please bring a small container that can tightly seal liquid and not seal when shaken. Please bring the container to school by 13th of June.
- Kings Birthday Public Holiday – June 12th
- Last Day of Term June 23rd Pink Day – Dress in pink and bring a gold coin donation please– 2.30pm finish.
Thank you for your support 😊
Kristy Lund, Ebony Gruar, Anne Goodman and Felicity Elliott
Year 1
Year 2
WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YEAR 2 Term 2 Weeks 8 & 9 |
Reading - When reading texts we are focusing on retelling the text in our own words and using the text to make inferences.
Writing - We are continuing to focus on information reports this term. We are looking at what needs to be included in information reports as well as focusing on sequencing events and important points in a logical order. We are working on making sure our information reports are specific to the chosen topic.
MATH: Our focus is on using doubles and near doubles to add numbers together. We are looking at using the doubles strategy to help add numbers together. We are also continuing to explore telling the time to quarter past and quarter to.
INQUIRY: We are continuing to work on building our towers, creating a plan, diagram and list of materials needed. We are working in groups and designing and testing our towers.
WELLBEING: This term's focus is on help seeking. Students will be writing a comic book story which models how a character might go about help-seeking.
HOMEWORK: Homework expectations are that students are completing home reading (at least every school night) and filling out their reading diary. Remember each student is aiming to get 200 nights of reading across the year to get a ticket to the Pizza Party!
Our Mascots
Our Mascots are heading to your homes again during term 2. Bessy is going home with the children in 2MD and Bob is going home with the children in 2W. They will come home on a Wednesday and are expected to be returned on the following Monday. We have loved seeing what the mascots have been up to with the children so far and have seen some amazing handwriting from the children that they have then read and shared with their classes.
- Week 9 is planning week so your child's usual timetable may look a little different this week.
- Please return any library books to school before the end of week 8.
- Last day of term: Friday 23rd June 2.30pm dismissal.
CONTACT: Please feel free to get in contact with your child’s classroom teacher/s via their emails below.
Kate McEvoy – Monday – Wednesday - kate.mcevoy@education.vic.gov.au,
Mel Dowdle – Thursday & Friday - melissa.dowdle@education.vic.gov.au,
Bec Whittingham rebecca.whittingham@education.vic.gov.au