Wellbeing and Inclusion 

 Mrs Courtney Hoffmann -  Assistant Principal

 A Warm Welcome back to Term 3!

It has been fantastic to see our school community jumping straight back into Term 3. It is amazing to believe we are halfway through the school year already. 


Karoo PS Approach to Student Wellbeing

At Karoo PS, we endeavour to work proactively with our school community to communicate how we support our students' social and emotional development.  We know that a student's wellbeing is just as important as their learning development.  Therefore, as a learning community, we aim to build students skills and strategies to develop their ability to self regulate, understanding the emotions of other and to interact positively with the world around them.  To communicate this we have developed the 'KPS Approach to Student Wellbeing.'  This overview provides a clear outline of how we support students to learn, through restorative practices, the impact our actions can have on others and how to move forward positively.

REAL SCHOOLS - Parent Information Evening

As part of our PEPS, we are hosting Real Schools Facilitator, Shelia Bollard, on August 9th, 2023 at 7pm.  We invite our school community to come along and engage in a fantastic evening of learning.  



As parents, we all want our children to be resilient. Resilience helps us to deal effectively with the challenges that life throws at us and helps us bounce back from adversity. Its more than dealing with the challenges, as there is also a strong correlation between resilience and being successful, caring and empathetic. These are traits that we want to instil in our own children.  

This session is designed to support you with raising a resilient child in today’s world.  The tips and advice will be practical, easy to implement and immediately useful. 


To book your place, please click on the link below (link will also be available via compass).


Wellbeing Groups

Wellbeing groups have continued to be a highlight for our students and staff at KPS.  So many students have enjoyed learning about key skills and strategies to support them in their social and emotional development, as well as building relationships with more members of our school community.  These groups are facilitated by our sensational Educational Support Staff, who have been trained by a counsellor and run for approximately 10 weeks. During this time, students learn about key skills and strategies, in a safe and supportive small group environment.

At Karoo PS, we offer three wellbeing groups:

  • Let's Talk About Anxiety and Worry
  • Let's Talk About Social Skills
  • Let's Talk About Growth Mindset

If you believe that a wellbeing group would support your child in their development, please don't hesitate to talk to your child's classroom teacher about the opportunities that we have at Karoo PS.



Attendance continues to be a priority at Karoo PS.  We know that being at school every day has a lasting impact on a students learning and wellbeing.  Across our school all year levels are excitedly working on creating a design for our Attendance Motto! So watch this space for your opportunity to have your say on the final design.  

In the meantime, our Attendance Motto is being used everyday, in every classroom to continue to build the excitement and expectation about why it is important to be at school everyday.

To ensure clear communication with our school community regarding attendance processes, please find below our 'KPS Approach to Student Attendance.'  This is the overview of what to do if your child is away, as well as how our school will work with you if support is required to improve attendance.


Upcoming Parent Learning Session in Knox

Please find below the flyers for upcoming information sessions in the Knox network.


I hope you all have a fantastic fortnight and I look forward to seeing you all around the school!


Kind Regards, 


Courtney Hoffmann

Assistant Principal (A)


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