A word from the Principal

Mrs Danielle Heatley

Welcome Back!

I hope that everyone has found time to recoup and enjoy time with family and friends over the winter break. For those who travelled, I look forward to hearing some of your stories and travel adventures. For those who enjoyed some time at home, I hope you all kept warm and enjoyed good food and great company. 

It was lovely to see a number of faces onsite (and teachers saw online as well) for the Parent Teacher Interviews last week. That is a wonderful opportunity to check in with teachers and discuss celebrations and highlights of your child's learning for    Semester 1. 


Term 3 is traditionally a term of consolidation, building on knowledge and embedding effective practices to enhance learning for all.  We have a variety of additional opportunities with Book Week fun, Science Week, Music and NAIDOC incursions.  This term we also have two camps- Year 3 and Year 4. We also have the Victorian State School Spectacular performances in both Dance AND Choir! The Math's Talent Quest projects have been handed in and we are so excited to have a showcase in October to celebrate the amazing work! Swimming will begin for Years 1 and 2 along with a number of sporting events like Hoop time and athletics. I’m sure everyone can see how important it will be to be at school every single day and be sure every minute of learning time available during the term is used for targeted teaching and learning.


I would also like to acknowledge and thank the various school staff, administration team, Education support and teaching staff who spent considerable time either at school over the break or working from home to ensure the school and various programs are ready for the start of term. Finance, enrolments, communication with parents, ICT updates, teaching resources, calendar updates and multiple other tasks occurred during the holidays - thanks everyone for your commitment to our school and our students.


Term 3 promises to be another great term filled with challenging learning opportunities, stimulating excursions, camps, incursions and for all of our students. 


There is plenty to look forward to in Semester 2 at Karoo!  Talking about looking forward...I hope you have put Bogan Bingo in your diary and booked the babysitter for October 14th.  It is going to be a fantastic night and will be the major fundraising event for Semester 2.  We have arranged for a professional company to come to run the night and an auctioneer will be there to auction off some major items!  If you have something that you are able to donate for the night, we would be so grateful. 


Just a final reminder that 2024 Foundation enrolment deadline is next Friday 28th July.  If you have a child starting school next year, please come and collect an enrolment form and if you know any families who have kindergarten aged children, please encourage them to book in for a tour at Karoo or return their enrolment form. 


Have a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing you around the school,


Danielle Heatley
