
Premier's Reading Challenge

With 49 days officially remaining, here’s an update from our Premiers’ Reading Challenge event.  Currently we have a total of 55 students that have completed the challenge.

Big balloons to those students and families continuing to record their books and taking the time to add your reviews for others to share.


The total number of books read so far throughout the school is 5398!


Congratulations to this week’s top 5 readers:

Hetav from 4K – 308 books

Braxton S from 1B – 302 books

Braxton R from 2B – 235 books

Koah R from 3D – 225 books

Levi R from FE – 199 books



It is celebration time again in 2B’s classroom as they have now read a total of 1241 books! 






Celebrating Book Week

This year at Karoo we are very excited to be celebrating Book Week 2023 with a very special musical treat on Thursday 24th August.


The amazing Alpha Shows are bringing their production of the classic tale of Beauty and The Beast right here to our school!


This is a whole school incursion to be held inside the gym beginning promptly at 9:15am and will conclude at 11:00am.  Further details to be sent out via Compass in the coming weeks.

Book Week Parade


Calling all Superheros, Wizards and Witches, Pirates and Princesses, Grinches and Gruffalos, Mermaids and Wallys!


We are excited to announce the date for our Book Week 2023 Parade on 

Monday 21st August from 9:15am


 We invite you to join in the fun and come dressed as your favourite book character! We need colour, sequins, hats, wigs and wands, cloaks and capes to dazzle and delight as we dance, sing and celebrate our love of books!





Mrs Corrales and Mrs Hagan