
Important Information for Families

Coin Challenge

NEXT Friday 28th July - start collecting your coins now!

Year 6 Bingo Night

Thursday 4th August

Tickets available through Compass now (Year 6 students only).

Save the Date - Parent Education Partnership Series

Make a note in your diaries now for this educational informative session for parents / carers at Karoo:

Building a Resilient child - 9th August 2023

Arriving Late?                               Late Pass Essential

If your child arrives at school after 9:00am please ensure they come to the office for a late pass. Please do not send them straight to their classroom. Thank you!

Newsletter Update

The newsletter will now be distributed via Compass to the school community every second Friday (in alternate weeks to Assemblies).  

Every edition is archived both on Compass (under School Documentation) and on our website so parents can refer back to them at any time.


Start and Finish Times 

Grounds supervised from 8:45am

8.50am - Classroom doors open

9.00am - Learning commences

11:30 - 11:40am - Lunch eating time

11:40 - 12:20pm - Lunch break outside

2:00-2:40 - Afternoon break outside                  3.30pm - School concludes

Grounds supervised until 3:45pm

Term Dates 2023

Term 3:  Monday 10th July - Friday 15th Sept

Term 4:  Monday 2nd Oct - Wed 20th Dec

(Pupil Free Day - Monday 20th Nov)

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