News and Notices
From the Principal
On the 23 July, it will be five years since I agreed to be the caretaker of RidgeView School for six months while a new principal was found! 😀 So much has happened in our community during this time, including a global pandemic, online learning, catastrophic weather events and the reality of grocery bills that increase every single week. However, there have also been so many things that fill my heart with pride and show the resilience of our community; things such as school camp, a successful production last year, wonderful school discos, more students taking part in sports, students taking responsibility for their achievement and progress, and completing our murals. There are also less obvious things such as children sharing an idea or a joke with a staff member, students supporting each other at interschool events, and all our children playing happily (and noisily) together.
We look forward to a busy and productive Term 3. Your help and support are always appreciated - we could not give our children the experiences that we do without you.
Dance Crew
Our DanceCrew not only performed outstandingly at the Bruce Mason Theatre, but their behaviour while waiting to go on stage was impeccable.
Super Cluster Cross Country
We took a small group of children to Long Bay to take part in the Cross Country. Well done to Storm Waye, Bentley Leavitt and Samuel Baines. They all ran their hearts out and did very respectably.
Thank you to everyone for supporting our disco. The FORS team did an amazing job getting everything up and running. We are delighted to say that we made $1038 profit.
Our next event is a movie night. FORS could always use a helping hand if you are happy to help out.
Matariki Breakfast
Talk about having a heart filled to overflowing - I was so proud of our tamariki who all performed last Friday morning. Our boys and girls kapahaka was amazing. I cannot believe how many words they learnt. Our DanceCrew had to perform in a small space indoors and reorientate themselves in the middle of the dance.
I need to give a special shout out to all the staff who took my idea of a cooked Matariki Breakfast and made it happen. Thank you to you all.
It has come to our attention that a number of families are doing it hard at the moment. We would like to trial providing sandwiches and a piece of fruit on a Wednesday for any student who wants one. We will send home an order form on a Tuesday afternoon the same as we do on a Thursday for lunch orders. You can then order the sandwich for your child.
I have had some parents offer to make lunches for other children and I thank you for this. At the moment it would be better if we make the same sandwich for everyone. However, if you want to contribute a few dollars or if you have fruit growing on trees that you could share, we would be very grateful.
We will continue to make toast for children who are hungry during the week.
Knitting and Crocheting
As part of our Friday programme, a group of children would like to learn how to knit and crochet.
We are looking for donations of:
- odds and ends of wool
- knitting needles and crochet hooks
- helpers - are there any parents or grandparents who would like to come into school between 11.30 and 1 on a Friday to support our tamariki.
Community Volunteers
As part of our Hapori Friday programme, I am looking for opportunities for our students to volunteer in the community. There would be three or four children who would work for an hour from about 9.30 to 10.30am. They could sweep, vacuum, dig, weed ... whatever simple tasks need doing. They would be accompanied by a teacher who would supervise them.
If you know of anyone who needs some odd jobs doing and would be happy to have enthusiastic, but young volunteers, please let me know.
Pedestrian Crossing
I am sure that your children came home and told you about navigating tricky driveways and crossing roads safely after their session with Constable Louise. We have the pedestrian crossing in order to help keep our students safe and have impressed upon them the importance of using the pedestrian crossing. We would really appreciate it if you could use the pedestrian crossing when dropping off and collecting your child.
Plants and plant pots
We are looking for about 50 plastic plant containers/pots to put seedlings, cuttings and little plants into. If you have any colourful plants that you could take cuttings of for the school garden, they would be much appreciated as well.
Freezer Space
We need to defrost our freezer. Does anyone have space in their freezer for us to put some things overnight?
Tough Guy and Gal
Also known as the Mud Run, this is an event that has become quite popular with our children. It takes place early in Term 3 (1 September) in Kumeu. The children run through a muddy obstacle course and then have a shower afterwards. Every entrant gets a medal. The cost this year is $30, but school will help out if this is beyond your reach.
Spare Clothes
Please can you make sure that your child has a spare set of clothes in their bag - it does not have to be school uniform.
Telephone Number
Our new telephone number is 027 593 5963.