Around the College

VCE Visual Communication Design – Unit 1
VCE Unit 1 VCD students over Term 2 worked diligently to produce a range of creative packaging nets for an imaginative Bluetooth speaker called “Buzz”. They were challenged to apply at least one key Design Element or Design Principle to each packaging they conceptualised to visually demonstrate their understanding of the relevant design terms. Additionally, students were able to explore different materials and media to demonstrate a transition of colour and linkage to a Japanese interested audience. Please take a look at the students in action and some of the final folio pages and packaging net designs.
Mr Rosario Ripper
Instructional Leader Technology and Visual Arts
Vinnies Winter Sleepout
As part of the College Outreach Program, and in trying to live out our Christian faith, we are offering students the opportunity to take part in our annual Winter Sleepout. This event is held to raise awareness of homelessness and to raise funds for marginalised people within our community. All money raised will go directly to the St Vincent De Paul Society to distribute according to need. Students of ALL year levels are welcome and there will be adequate teacher supervision. Some students may wish to attend for part of the evening and then be collected by a parent, the latest pick-up time being 10:30 pm.
As has become the custom, we are giving the students the opportunity to either sleep outside in tents or inside the gymnasium. The school can provide up to 12 tents (maximum of 2 people per tent), but students are welcome to bring their own tents if they wish. You must indicate to Ms. Douglass if you require a tent. First in, gets the tents!
Details of the sleepout are as followed:
DATE: Friday 25 August 2023
- Students are to arrive at the College Gymnasium between 7.00 pm (if they want soup and bread for dinner - report to the Joseph Centre) OR - 8:00 pm
- Students are to be collected from the College by 8:30 am on Saturday 26 August
- There will be separate sleeping areas for girls and boys.
The evening’s programs will include:
- Ice breaker games
- The poverty games
- Prayer service in the chapel
- Board games/card games
- Fire pits to roast marshmallows
- Film (PG rated)(TBC)
We ask that students leave all technology other than mobile phones at home.
Students are to bring:
- Sleeping bag
- Pillow
- Toothbrush
- Warm clothing
- Torch
- Snacks
- Board game/cards
All students participating are asked to bring an entry fee of $10.00 (donation towards homelessness).
An online sponsorship link has been created for all participants to generate sponsorship from family and friends. Last year, we raised $2000. Let’s smash that record!
Permission slips will be made available on PAM so students must first register their names with Ms. Douglass by signing up in the Resource Centre. This must be done by FRIDAY 18 August. Should you have any questions regarding the evening, please contact Ms. Douglass or the Vinnies Presidents, Annie Shi, and Julie Hoang.
Annie Shi and Julie Hoang
Vinnies Presidents