Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning Report

Welcome Back

It has been good to be able to welcome back our fantastic students this week and see their beautiful smiling faces. We hope it is a great term and as it begins, we encourage parents, guardians, carers to be having conversations with your children about their report and performance in Semester 1, 2023.  It is a new beginning and for those whom perhaps Semester 1 was not the best either in terms of their learning, assessment grades or maybe socially, they can use this new term as a fresh start.  We always want to support our students to grow and improve physically, mentally and spiritually as well as academically. Please encourage your child/children to speak to staff if they have issues, and feel most welcome to contact the staff yourself if there are things we can do to better support your child. This could be your child’s Pastoral Teacher, Head of House, or a Subject Teacher you connect with, or one of our counsellors.

New Community Members

We are very blessed to welcome 13 new staff to our community for 2023 and about 16 new students. We wish them all the best and pledge to support them. As some teaching staff will have changes to their timetables for Semester 2 students may have a different teacher for some subjects in Term 3. This information can be checked on SiMON. As always, please feel free to contact Subject Teachers at the College by telephone or email.

Child Safety

As we begin the new term, a reminder to please keep us informed and let us know should there be any concerns about the safety of any member of our students. The Child Safety Team are here to support so please feel free to contact: 

Term 3 2023

We wish every student all the best for the new term. We encourage students to get involved in the different opportunities offered and go deeper in school life, perhaps through a new aspect or activity than before. It is these things that build us to be stronger people.


God Bless



Mr Justin Duckett

Deputy Principal Staff and Students     

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