Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report

Semester 1 Reports
Semester 1 reports were released on Tuesday 11 July. Parents can view the reports on PAM. To access the reports on PAM, click the picture of your child, click on Assessment Reports and then click on the End of Semester 1 Report 2023.
The End of Semester report is a summary of student achievement for the semester. The level of achievement for each assessment task is recorded. Comments by teachers on assessment tasks are available throughout the semester as part of continuous reporting. Parents can access this information on PAM by clicking the picture of your child and clicking on Learning Tasks. Student progress for Year 7 to 10 students in relation to the Victorian Curriculum standards is also reported. This indicates if the student is Well Below Standard, Below Standard, At Standard, Above Standard, or Well Above Standard.
Acceleration for Year 10 Students in 2024
Students in Year 9 who have performed at an exceptional level in Semester 1 studies may be offered the opportunity to undertake acceleration into a VCE Unit 1 / 2 subject in Year 10. There are two categories for students who may be offered this opportunity:
- Year 9 Laurel Program students:
Students who are undertaken Year 9 Laurel subjects may be eligible for VCE acceleration in up to two subjects. Laurel students need to be achieving a minimum average of 60% in their Laurel subjects. Available VCE subjects will be limited by the Instructional Leader based on the content and skills covered in the Year 9 Laurel Subjects. Only students who have completed both the Year 9 Laurel Maths and Science subjects as well as the Year 9 Laurel English may be eligible for acceleration in two VCE subjects.
- Year 9 Students:
Year 9 students who are not undertaking Laurel subjects may still be eligible to accelerate into one VCE subject in Year 10. Eligibility is based on a combined subjects average of 80% or above in Semester One of Year 9. Available VCE subjects will be limited to those subjects in which an average of above 80% has been achieved. Particular attention will be paid to Year 9 Semester Examination results.
Students who meet the criteria will be informed of their eligibility to accelerate and the available subjects via a letter from me prior to the opening of online Subject Selection. Students who receive these letters then have the option to accept this offer by choosing their eligible VCE subject(s) as part of their online Year 10 subject selection.
Please note that eligibility to accelerate is at the sole discretion of the Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning and the offer may be withdrawn should student achievement in Semester 2 studies not meet the same conditions as for Semester 1.
VCE Careers Expo and Subject Selection Evening
The VCE Careers Expo and Subject Selection Evening is planned to occur on Thursday 27 July. The evening will be held at the College in the Gymnasium and run from 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm. Further details will be sent in a letter.
Ms Claire Nailon
Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning