From the Principal 

Dear Parents and Carers,


With Term 3 well underway, so much is happening in our St Simon’s Community.


This week, our parish welcomes Fr Jerald Mariadais as the new parish priest for St Simon’s and St Jude’s Scoresby.  Over the coming weeks, we look forward to connecting with Fr Jerald as staff, students and parents.  Our upcoming celebrations of the sacraments of Confirmation and the First Eucharist may allow you and your family the opportunity to say hello and introduce yourself.

Grandparents Day - Wednesday 26th July Feast of St Anne and St Joachim

Earlier this week, all families and grandparents were invited via an Operoo message to join our community to celebrate the Feast of St Anne and Joachim next Wednesday, 26th July, starting from 11:15 am (please note the time change). We ask that all visitors are seated in the Church ready for an 11:15 am start followed by refreshments and classroom visits until 1:00 pm.  

We will have processes to assist visitors with mobility needs, including access to the school lift.


Please look out for further information regarding an RSVP link for this event.



School Canteen Launch

We are excited and grateful for the return of St Simon’s Canteen this week.  Communications and announcements of the operations of the school canteen will be sent out via Audiri and the school newsletter.  A big thank you to our fantastic parent volunteers and Jinny and Jason Robe for their coordination efforts in the canteen.

Term Parent Newsletter from Year Level

Year Level Term Newsletters will be sent to families this week via Operoo Message.  By Friday, 21st July, parents and carers should have received a Term Letter for each student.  Please check your SPAM and Junk mail filters. 

Student Safety during Morning drop off

On arrival to school, all students must go to the courtyard and wait outside their appropriate building until the teachers open the classroom doors at 8:30am. The basketball courts and prep playground are out of bounds during this time.  I encourage all families to have a conversation with their children about these expectations so that they are reinforced at home and at school.  Thank you in anticipation.

NAIDOC Week celebrations continue

This week our school-wide NAIDOC week activities continue with year-level-based incursions happening on Thursday and Friday.  There will be opportunities for families to see some of this amazing artwork and creations in Term 4 through the St Simon’s Art Show.  

Sacrament of Confirmation Year Six

This week, let us keep our year six students and their families in our prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation next Wednesday, 26th July, with Episcopal Vicar Tony Kerrin.  Last week the students and parents participated in a retreat day and information night, respectively, so we look forward to joining with families to celebrate the next step in the faith journey through the third and final sacrament of initiation into the Catholic Faith.

Year 5 and 6 Interschool Sport Division

This week we have students in Years 5 and 6 competing in AFL, Soccer and Tee Ball at the Divisional level of Sporting Schools Victoria competition.  This is a fantastic effort by all students involved, and no matter the outcome, we look forward to celebrating this achievement as members of the St Simon’s School community.  

I want to acknowledge the generous support of the parents and families of the students by helping out with coaching, training and transportation to the venues.

We look forward to hearing about the results in next week’s newsletter!


St Simon’s Parents Association DJ Bingo - Less than two weeks to go!

Come and join other families for a fun night of music and friendly competition!

Go to CDF PAY to purchase to your tickets!



Save the date 

St Simon’s Fete Saturday 11th November




God bless,


Tom Wursthorn
