Seeking host organisations for Community Service

As part of the year 9 Galileo Program, students undertake Community Service as a way of connecting to and better understanding their community, as well as developing maturity, independence and self-confidence. School community work is not work experience or structured workplace learning, rather unpaid work performed by a person or group of people that directly benefits our local community.


We are looking for any parents/community members who have connections to organisations that may be able to offer community service placements that are applicable for year 9 students. 


Our community service program is still in the planning stages therefore, we can accommodate a variety of placements with sessions ranging from 90 minute blocks to the length of the entire community service period from Tuesday 14th - Friday 17th November.

If you are able to assist or have an idea that may contribute to this program, please fill in the Google form below or contact Lyndsey Hubber at 


Community Service Google Form


Lyndsey Hubber - Assistant Principal