Careers Focus Week

Careers Focus week began on Monday 19th June with an inspiring guest speaker from Tradeswomen Australia presenting to Year 11’s about Careers in Trades Industry with a focus on attracting more women in the Industry.  Interactive sessions showed students the benefits of working in a Trade and how it can be a rewarding career demonstrating the various career pathways from labourer to management positions.  

Continuing with Careers Focus week, a range of universities presented to students on Tuesday 20th June and Wednesday 21st June. These presentations were aimed at providing information about various courses offered by the universities, the application process, and general information about life on campus.

Participating Universities:

  • Monash University - Medicine Nursing & Health Sciences, Science, Arts/Humanities, and Pharmacy 
  • RMIT University
  • Australian Catholic University
  • Deakin College
  • Kangan Institute
  • MedEntry (UCAT)
  • University of Melbourne – Arts and Medicine
  • Swinburne University
  • La Trobe University
  • Victoria University
  • Deakin University
  • Flinders University/CDW Studios

Attending such presentations were beneficial for students as it gave them a chance to interact directly with university representatives, ask questions and get a feel for the university's culture and atmosphere. It allowed students to gather information in one place from multiple institutions, made it easier for them to compare different options to then make a more informed choice when applying for higher education.


Presentations from the Australian Defence Force and Victorian Police concluded Careers Focus week and both were very popular with students. The Australian Defence Force presented on Thursday 22nd June and demonstrated a range of technical and practical career options such as  aviation technician, electrician, plumber and vehicle mechanic. Officer Pathways were also presented through the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) and advanced academic and military training at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) which would provide an opportunity for students to earn a degree while receiving military education and training.


The Victoria Police focused on careers, the application process and the various roles available, including Police Officer, Water Police, Forensics and Highway Patrol. Information on the selection process, such as aptitude tests, interviews, medical examinations, background checks, and psychological assessments were also presented sparking curious questions from the students.


Thank you to the Careers team for organising a Careers focus week that motivated students to experience some of the future pathways on offer.


Maria-Chiara Epifano - Careers/Work Education Year 10-12