Year 7 African Drumming Incursion

In week two of Term 3, all Year 7 students participated in an African drumming Incursion as part of a “World Music” unit which explores diverse music practices from around the World such as Africa, Asia & Indigenous Australia. The African drumming workshop was led by visiting musicians Appiah Annan and Ronald “Yoga” Mensah from Asanti Dance Theatre. Appiah is a Sidney Myer Creative fellow and internationally recognised dancer, choreographer and musician and Yoga is an incredible acrobat. 

At the start of the workshop the students were treated to an exciting performance that integrated the kora (a 21 string instrument which is similar to the guitar/harp), traditional dancing from Ghana as well as acrobatic skills. A few students bravely volunteered in an amusing stunt where hats were being passed around as fast as possible with Yoga leading the students. After the immersive performances, students were invited to officially join the drum circle with each student playing a djembe (jem-beh) which is originally from West Africa. The students have been learning in classroom music that the djembe is known for its ability to play both deep low notes, high cracking notes as well as being loud and is therefore used as the lead drum in a drum circle or ensemble. The students were in awe of Appiah and Yoga’s creative skills and were very excited to make music of their own on the djembe


In the drumming session, the students practiced polyrhythms: independent rhythms that are played at the same time as well as ostinatos: short repetitive rhythms. They were also encouraged by Appiah to improvise their own rhythms on the djembe! As storytelling is an important part of African culture, integrated into the workshop were plenty of stories about the origins of the traditional dances as well as Appiah explaining to the students that everyone speaks English in Ghana as it is colonised land. Although only being a session long, Appiah inspired the students as they fed off his continuous energy with the group performance at the end being particularly satisfying. Well done to Ashleigh Robertson and all of the Year 7 music teachers for organising and helping out with this successful event. 


Matt Roche - Teacher of Music