Lifestyle, PDHPE

 & Sport

Did you know that in Stage 5 you can choose PDHPE elective subjects? Let’s shine the spotlight on some of the learning that has been happening in these spaces in Term 2!  


This term year 9 have worked in small groups to design a product and a presentation that will assist in selling the product to the class and to the ‘sharks’ (potential investors for your product) which were the deputies and principal. Students had a maximum of 5 minutes to sell their product and there was a maximum of 2 minutes of question time at the end of the presentation.


In practical lesson students completed a series of practical performance which focused on Racquet Sports: Badminton or Speedminton. The next focus is based on Fitness Testing.   

Child Studies 

This semester, we have delved into the fascinating world of sustainable play and explored the various aspects of growth and development in children. There have been many different exciting hands-on activities and valuable learning experiences. 


One of the highlights of this semester was the creation of a website dedicated to the exploration of growth and development of children aged 0-5. Through this project, our students have discovered the significance of various areas of growth, such as physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. They have conducted in-depth research, curated engaging content, and learned the importance of disseminating information effectively in the digital age. 


Another engaging activity was taking care of an Egg Baby for a week. This hands-on experience allowed our students to comprehend the responsibilities of parenthood and understand the importance of nurturing and caring for others. Through this simulation, they developed essential skills like empathy, problem-solving, and time management. 

In our efforts to promote sustainability, students also embarked on an exciting project to create sustainable toys. They explored different materials, learned about eco-friendly alternatives, and applied their creativity to design toys that are not only fun but also environmentally conscious. This project fostered critical thinking, resourcefulness, and creativity. 


Our students have gained valuable insights into child development, developed essential life skills, and embraced the importance of making conscious choices for a better future.  

Year 12 PDHPE 




Our Stage 6 students were privileged to have past student, Jasmine Whitelaw return to KKHS to provide them with expert knowledge regarding how to deal with Sport injuries. Jasmine shared a wealth of experience about the physiotherapy profession along with an interactive workshop on how to correctly strap knees and ankles for common sports injuries.  


Celebrating Sporting Success  

Term 2 has been a BUSY one for our sporting teams! We have been utilising our extra curricular periods on a Thursday afternoon with Fit 4 Kids delivering a strength and conditioning program for our female Netballers and Basketballers and NRL have been delivering the LIFT program to our Rugby League squads.  


Our S.P.O.R.T squad students were delivered an online presentation during our Extra Curricular period from AIS Paratriathlete and Sport Dietician David Bryant.  We thank the AIS and Black Dog Institute for providing our KKHS students with some mental fitness strategies that they can use both in the sporting arena as well as in their everyday lives.  

The girls netball and basketball squad have joined forces to be challenged with some FIT4KIDS sessions run by Sophie Crouch. The girls have been working hard building their strength, conditioning and basic skills. We encourage girls to come prepared for each session which includes bringing a water bottle and wearing correct footwear. Looking forward to the next 2 sessions.  


Our U16 Boys Futsal team competed in the Regional Futsal Gala Day at Maitland with a fantastic result of finishing Top 2 in their pool. The boys qualified for the semi’s, however, were knocked out by a strong St Bede’s side who went on to take out the day. Sportsmanship, skill and strategic play were the highlights of the day for our team who were fine representatives for KKHS.  


Touch Football 




Our Stage 5 Touch Football team competed in the recent NSW Touch Football Regional Gala Day. The boys played extremely well to reach the quarter finals.  





Mountain Biking 

2023 is the first time we have had students represent KKHS in the Hunter Mountain Biking with three Year 7 students competing in the event and receiving some outstanding results. Special mention to Noah Condon for finishing in 15th place. From all reports it was a great experience and the boys enjoyed their day.  



Cross Country 

Congratulations to the following students for their selection in the Coalfields Team at the Hunter Cross Country event being held in Week 7.  Good luck to Kyron Blair, Sienna Dickson, Sophia Rolfe and Tyra Van Haren. 

Callum Elsley 



Special mention and congratulations to our Yr 9 student Callum who recently competed at the NSW Touch Football State Finals. Callum has successfully gained selection in the NSW All Schools team and will compete at Nationals later in the year. The KKHS school and wider community wish you the best of luck!  



News from Hunter Sports Unit  

Hunter Regional Trials 2023 

To apply for a trial, please visit the Hunter Trials page in Dash. Visit the link or scan the QR code in step 3 below to see which Hunter Trials are open for applications. Parents/caregivers must apply for a trial via an online permission form through the Dash Platform to consent for a trial. 


Please follow the steps below to create an account and register your child.  You will be using our consent, payment and registration system called Dash. This system allows you to provide details for your child which is safely stored for future applications. 


How do I register? 

 STEP 1.  Register          If you do not already have an account. Go to and click Register Now.  If you already have an account, go to STEP 3. 

STEP 2. 

Add your Child 

Add your child to your account.  Once you log in you’ll be given this option from the Dashboard.  Follow the prompts to complete. 

STEP 3. 

Follow the link 


 Once you have your account set up and your child added, visit the link or scan the QR code to view Hunter trials that are open for application: 


 STEP 4. 

Select Trial 

 Choose the trial that you wish to apply for and begin an application.  
STEP 5. Complete  Complete all steps in the application and pay through the secure payment portal the designated levy for the trial.  This form will also be sent to your child’s school for approval.  The form will remain incomplete until the school has approved the form. Please make sure each step is completed by the due date. No late entries will be accepted. 

If you’re having trouble processing an application, please contact the Hunter SSA office at