From the

 Deputies Desks

Mr Brown, Ms Brady, Ms Somerville, Ms Wilson

Mr Brown - Years 7 & 10

Term 2 has flown by with our students provided with numerous opportunities to connect as cohorts. Year 7 are heading next week to the Great Aussie Bush Camp where they will engage in a range of team building and challenge activities. I would like to thank Ms Bailey and Ms Sams for their efforts in providing this exciting opportunity to our students. 

Year 7 are reminded of the expectation ‘Hands off, back off’ at all times, listen and follow teacher instruction and to wear correct school uniform. 


Continuing the theme of opportunities, UNISTEPs have provided two amazing opportunities for our students with 20 Year 9 students participating in a presentation skills workshop in which their confidence and growth was evident by the end of the session.


Year 10 engaged in a nutrition workshop where students discussed the nutritional needs of their bodies and how to effectively fuel themselves to optimise performance.  Hands on Learning is underway with Mr Garrard and Mr Jacobs working hard with a small number of our Year 10 students on projects around the school that are building their skill sets in collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity outside of a traditional classroom. I would like to thank Mr Garrard and Mr Jacobs for their efforts in ensuring the successful implementation of this program. We have also appreciated the support of Marc from Hands on Learning and his recent visit with the staff and students. 


EVET is underway again for 20 of our Year 10 students, apart from working as part of a team. The class was able to plan and execute an excursion to the local TAFE, to view the facilities and presentations to develop an understanding of the courses on offer. I would like to thank Megan and Ms Da Silva for accompanying the students on this excursion. 


Year 10 is moving into an important part of their schooling. With subject selections for Year 11 fast approaching student have been sent out a survey to complete to support their transition and career aspirations. The data collected will be used to support student goals and subject selections. Term 2 has been very assessment heavy for Year 10, students are encouraged to devote time at home to complete their outstanding class work and further develop their assessment task submissions. Study skills are extremely important moving forward if any students would like assistance or support in this area please see our learning and support team to map out a plan moving forward together. 


Year 10 need to ensure they are taking responsibility for their uniform, uniform is expected everyday. If students are experiencing difficulties, please come and see me and I will assist in supporting your student.  


Application in class, Year 10 are expected to set themselves up for success and this means that they arrive at class promptly, equipment (laptop fully charged!) and ready to engage in their learning. 


As always if you require any assistance, please contact me at the school. 

Ms Brady - Years 8 & 11

Term 2 has been a very busy term for Year 8 having completed their first projects for the year in all courses including the submission of high-quality assessment tasks where students were able to demonstrate the skills, knowledge and understanding they have developed throughout the project. Students have also participated in Check-In assessments, sporting competitions/gala days, sports carnival, Wellbeing week activities exploring all the extra curricula opportunities available to them at KKHS. Big thanks to Mr Berry and Mr Asvestas and the WELs team for their ongoing support of Year 8 this term. 


Year 11 have also hit the ground running this term, now more than halfway through their Year 11 courses and accelerated students getting ready to sit Trial HSC exams at the start of Term 3. It is important that students complete all class activities, submit all assessment tasks and attend all timetabled lessons. Students have study periods on their timetable can I suggest that students use this time wisely in the Study Centre to ensure they are keeping up to date with their workloads or catching up on unsubmitted assessment tasks as soon as possible. Term 3 will conclude with Final Exams for Year 11, it is important that students start to prepare now for these exams, so they are able to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and understanding to the best of their ability. If you have concerns about your child and their progress, please contact their classroom teacher or year advisor. Massive thanks to Mrs Taylor, Ms Stewart and the WELs team for their support this term. 


Year 7 - 9 reports will be published via Sentral Parent Portal at the end of Term 2 and you will notice that there is a lot of information available for you about your child(ren) and their academic progress. Reports in Year 7-9 reflect the importance placed on skill development throughout Year 7-9 including Literacy and Numeracy skills, subject specific skills and interpersonal skill development in preparation for Stages 5 and 6. Students will still receive an A-E grade for academic outcomes. Students have also reflected on their own learning throughout the semester which gives valuable insight into how students see their own learning progressing and where they need to improve throughout Semester 2. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s learning, please contact their classroom teacher. If you do not yet have access to the Sentral Parent Portal, please contact the office for this to be organised. There will be a Parent-Teacher night early Term 3 to give you an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and their report.  

2024 Year 8-10 High Potential and Gifted Education class application process will begin early next term. The information regarding the application process will be communicated to parents and students via email, along with KKHS website and social media, please ensure your email address is correct so you don’t miss important information as it is released.  


A reminder that KKHS is a uniform school, and all students are expected to be in full school uniform every day. It is also the expectation that all students are ready to learn every lesson, every day. Please support your child by reminding them to charge their laptop every night and bring books, pens and charged laptop every day. Enjoy a safe and happy break and get ready for Term 3. 


Ms Somerville - Years 9 & 12

As we are hitting the colder months we are seeing increased cases of influenza and Covid hitting our students and staff so I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and high spirits.  


While on some days we have had to collapse classes due to staffing issues, our staff have continued to focus on teaching the students in their classes to ensure their learning is not being disrupted. However, I am finding that I am having many conversations with students about the importance of attending each class, actively participating in their learning and bringing their equipment to enable them to access the learning. These fundamental aspects contribute significantly to each student's overall success and create a positive learning environment. The expectation is that every student who comes to school is ready to learn and they are to attend each class every day. Active participation in class leads to deeper understanding of the topics and while they may not see the benefits now, by listening, asking questions, and engaging in discussions, students gain valuable insights, collaborate effectively with their peers, and develop critical thinking skills, aspects we want them to develop to be able to take with them into the workplace. 


The colder months has also brought out the need to wear warmer clothes and it has been great to see many of our students wearing the school track pants and jumpers. Some students have been asked to swap their non uniform jumpers out for a KKHS one each day and while we appreciate them following these requests, we kindly ask for your cooperation in reminding students to be wearing their uniform each day before they leave home.  


As we hit the end of the term, Year 12 will be gearing up for their Trial HSC examinations. Teachers are planning to do ‘masterclass’ lessons in the holidays to prepare students for the examinations so please keep an eye out on our social media platforms so you know when these are happening and can encourage students to attend. They are a great source of revision and teachers will be able to ensure that students are focusing on the right ways to prepare for their specific exams. Student timetables will have gone out but if you are not sure if your student knows about their exams, please contact the school for further information. Again, the school is continuing to work in partnership with Kurri Kurri TAFE to hold the Trial examinations and the HSC examinations there so that it is quieter for the students, allowing them to focus on doing their best. It is important that students arrive at the TAFE at least 15 minutes before the start time of each exam in order to locate the room and to go through the documentation that is required before they start. We will be following the NESA rules around examination which include:  

  • black pens  
  • ruler 
  • highlighters 
  • pencils  
  • sharpener 
  • water in a clear label-free bottle.  

Students can wear a watch, but it should be taken off and placed in clear view on their desk once they sit down to begin their exam. Please note that programmable watches (eg. Smart watches) and mobile phones are not permitted in the exam room.  

Further information around the rules for the examinations can be accessed here:


 I hope that everyone enjoys the upcoming break and uses the time to rest, recover and be ready for Term 3 and all that it will bring!! 


Ms Toni Wilson - Inclusion and Support

As we approach the end of another fulfilling term, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the remarkable efforts of our Engagement and Wellbeing staff. This term has been a whirlwind of wellbeing programs to meet the identified needs of our students and the hard work, and dedication from this team including the wonderful year advisers is so valued. Our students have been grateful for the additional and regular programs and our WELS team have gone above and beyond to facilitate. 


The WELS team has expanded with the addition of two more lovely Student Support Officers to support the invaluable work of Megan; Sharni and Mim. Student Support Officers really are the bread and butter of whole school wellbeing and KKHS is fortunate to have this wonderful team. 


See the article from the Engagement and Wellbeing team for more updates. 



Education for your child is important and regular attendance at school is essential for your child to achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options. NSW public schools work in partnership with parents to encourage and support regular attendance of children and young people. When your child attends school every day, learning becomes easier, and your child will build and maintain friendships and a sense of belonging. 


Arriving late/leaving early and truancy disrupts the learning of the students as well as others in the class. It is vitally important that appointments are made outside of school hours and your child attends all lessons, ready to learn. The attendance team are in the process of targeting students who truant part or whole lessons and parents are required at scheduled attendance improvement meetings for those students identified.  When you receive a text notifying you that your child has not arrived to class, please work in partnership with the school by having a conversation with your child and attending the AIP.