Wellbeing & 


Welcome Sharni McCann! 

The KKHS team would like to welcome our newest Staff member. We have the privilege of a second Student Support Officer, Sharni joining our team to help support our students. Some of you may recognise Sharni as she comes to us with a wealth of experience previously working in our community with CYCOS.  Sharni is super passionate about young people and she loves her sport. 


This term has been a busy with Sharni working with our Jn AECG on reconciliation week activities and hosting the Elders morning team in Cessnock. She is part of our Dream together Girls program and runs 1:1 case management to help support student wellbeing and attendance as well as co-manage external services that run programs within our school. Sharni has been busy learning the ropes of a busy KKHS and training in programs such as Rock and water ready to run for Term 3 and beyond. 

Youth Week Breakfast  

We kick started the term with the celebration of Youth Week. KKHS beginning the term with a bacon and egg roll for breakfast cooked by our favourite Kurri Kurri Rotary team! Sponsored by the CYCO’s and Kurri Kurri Youth Support team.  

My School Rules

... out of breakfast and into competition. SSO Megan & Ms Allan took 3 keen year 10 students across to Cessnock High School for the My School Rules cooking competition. With a forfeit of some teams, it was KKHS & CHS who came head to head to see who could take out the title! KKHS put up a tough fight, making a delicious strawberry smoothie, decorated cupcakes & designed a 3 course meal which included a fondue dessert and of course came away with the win!! Another trophy to add to the collection!!

Youth Week continued...

Youth Week continued with multiple services coming in to support our young people. Headspace running a self-care activity at lunchtime which included designing tote bags and then filling them with fidget tools and information on how to look after themselves. Mai-Wel came and delivered an Employability Workshop including a special guest of Tamika Upton from the Newcastle Knights, selected Year 10 students enjoyed learning about how to present themselves for an interview and the job opportunities that are available in the Newcastle Knights.  

The Gathering 

Year 11 & 12 were presented with The Gathering workshop.Students watched a short film which is the start to finish of a teenage party, they de-brief the film and discuss negative impacts and risk factors. Within the workshop students  'Myth bust' ideas for helping drunk people, discuss standard drinks and learn practical information for help seeking and alcohol death prevention. 

Journey of Hope 

Year 7 have been smashing their way throughout the Journey of Hope program. The eight-week program aims to help participants identify and process emotions. Children learn that it is normal to feel angry, sad or frustrated during scary or difficult situations. The program also supports children to identify positive coping strategies that they can use to deal with current and future emotional challenges. Term 3 we will be looking at finishing through the rest of Year 7 and into Kuta Kaya students – information to come to those parents.  

Youth Aware of Mental Health 

The YAM team came and delivered the Youth aware of mental health program to year 9 students.  

YAM is an evidence-based program taking place in classrooms around the world. Students actively engage with the topic of mental health through role-play and student-led discussions. 

Do it for Dolly Day- Friday week 3. 

This Term the SRC and Interact students put their resources together to host our whole school wellbeing event in support of the Do it for Dolly foundation. Our student leaders felt the message around the impacts of bullying and promotion of prosocial behaviours was important and relevant to our daily lives.  


The day consisted of many opportunities to raise funds for the foundation and to promote kindness and awareness. Our 10.2 students kick started the day by painting a Tree in the Quad as part of theBlue tree project. This tree is now an installation art piece that will remain a centrepiece of our school in memory of those impacted by bullying and suicide.  

The SRC ran a bake sale and sold blue accessories for those who wanted to wear their support of the cause. Our school Lunch soccer comp ran as part of the “Do it for Dolly round” and our Rotarians once again supported us by cooking up some snags to raise more funds.  

Students were immersed in learning activities, random acts of kindness and creative opportunities throughout scheduled lessons to learn more about Dolly and her story and to promote kindness and connection.  

KKHS were able to raise over $500 for the foundation- a huge effort by all involved. 

Wellbeing Week Highlights 

Every Week 7 of each term KKHS is committed to focusing on Wellbeing of all individuals within our walls. 


This Term our YAs, Faculties and wellbeing staff went above and beyond to host many opportunities to engage and bring focus to our overall wellbeing. 


We kick started the week with a Whole school BBQ and Local Services Bazzar- Big thanks to Kurri Rotary for cooking over 1000 sausages to feed our always hungry teens. Students were able to meet and greet with local services such as Mai-Wel, CYCOS, Kurri Kurri Library, Youth Express and Kurri Kurri Youth Support to see what they could offer outside of the school walls to support young people and families. 


Each day saw Year advisors and Faculties host various activities at lunch times to promote the 5 ways to Wellbeing . Our Year advisors hosing their Hot chocolate parties for their awesome attending students across the week. Highlights can be seen on our social media pages. 


We are looking forward to our RUOK? Day Term and making our week the biggest and best yet! 

Attendance Matters

Term 2 Attendance has been a major focus for our Year advisors and Wellbeing Team.  

This Term we hosted our first hot Choccy Parties as a way to recognise our students who are achieving 95% or above this Term with a total of 270 students above 95% attendance for the term, a huge effort considering the colder months are hitting us. The year group break downs as follows:

Year 7: 49 

Year 8: 60- our best year group 

Year 9: 52 

Year 10: 48 

Year 11: 43 

Year 12: 18 


We have also been recognising students who have improved attendance with postcards and chocolates given out by our SSOs and attendance team. 


Thank you to all our families who have engaged with our team to explain absences and work with our team to improve attendance of your child. Please see the information below as to why attendance is so important, especially post covid, to ensure your child does not have significant gaps in their learning.  

Compulsory School Attendance

Week 1, Term 3 our 90% and above attendance raffles and 100% attenders will be recognised at year group assemblies. 

Handy Links for Parents and Carers 

Parenting is the hardest job in the world, together schools and families can work to help improve the wellbeing and outcomes of our students. Below are some handy links if you need some help: 


The DET have launched a new Digital Citizenship hub with many resources around social media, gaming and cyberbullying: 



Want support with managing your angsty Teen- check out https://parents.au.reachout.com/ 

Time flies…make every parenting moment count! 

Childhood is made up of many moments. Big and little, difficult and magical, challenging and extra-special. Time flies! Make every parenting moment count, grow closer to your children and help them do well, now and for the years to come. Reduce stress – yours and theirs – with proven, positive ideas and strategies. Now it’s FREE to do the online program developed in Australia and used around the world. There’s a separate online program to help parents support children’s anxiety-coping skills. Backed by research, proven by parents. Funded by the Australian Government.  

Start today! triplep-parenting.net.au