Wellbeing Corner

Wheel of Choice

At school, issues can arise in all settings. They often begin from minor disagreements and can escalate into much larger situations. At the point of it still being a minor issue students CAN be proactive and take measures to ensure these issues do not get out of hand.


We have the Wheel of Choice  which we encourage students to consider to support them through times of conflict. Use this tool as a talking point at home to support your child with their decision making. 


Here are a couple of examples.

  • Saying sorry, even if something was unintentional can sometimes stop an issue in its tracks.
  • Asking a student to stop doing something that is bothering you could result in a positive outcome. Sometimes students won’t know they are actually annoying you with what they’re doing. Politely informing them can help them as well as you.

Parent Place

The Parent Place Ballarat has a range of services that families can access. For many, The Parent Place has been stereotyped as a place/service for families with newborns or infants/toddlers. Whilst they support with these age-groups, the services continue well into primary school aged children/families. The flyers below outline the types of services offered as well as the times they’re provided. If you require further information or support regarding the accessing of these services please contact Mark Costanzo or Rebekah Dawson at school and we’ll be more thank happy to help out. 


There is an Outreach service that they provide as well. This occurs on the 1st Friday of each month – Delacombe Salvation Army | 104 Greenhalghs Road, Delacombe.


FREE Online Parenting Program - Triple P (Positive Parenting Program)

The Victorian Government is providing free access to Triple P Online for Victorian parents caring for children aged 2 to 16 years. 


Each Triple P program has been developed through ongoing studies and knowledge about child development and psychology. This evidence-based, university-developed program, created here in Australia, is now supported by more than 35 years of ongoing research.


Triple P Online includes strategies to help parents raise happy, confident children; set family routines and rules that everyone can follow; and balance work and family life with less stress. 


It is a free online course that you can work on at your own pace, and will have access to the resources for 12months. 


Under 12s https://www.triplep-parenting.net.au/vic-en/free-parenting-courses/triple-p-online-under-12/


Teens https://www.triplep-parenting.net.au/vic-en/free-parenting-courses/teen-triple-p-online/ 

Please be in touch if you would like support in accessing this program. 


Rebekah Dawson




School Holiday Boredom Busters 

Please find some ideas for activities that can be done at home over the upcoming holiday break.


Also linked below:
