For our final fortnightly rotation, we are really getting into the spirit of winter. In the kitchen we are enjoying some warming pumpkin soup, a lovely basic soup that allows the children to experiment with herbs and spices to enhance the flavours. So far, we have used paprika, pepper and chilli, as well as chives and parsley from the garden. Our garden has yielded us some beautiful home grown Kent pumpkins and we are boosting those with Jap and Butternut pumpkins from our local area. Bread making continues and our future bakers have been trying out different shapes with the dough. Plaited bread loaves have worked a treat, both looking and tasting amazing! We are also making salad of the imagination using our own grown and harvested lettuce, nasturtium leaves and flowers, parsley and chives, combined with carrots, beetroot, chickpeas and dressed with our made from scratch salad dressing. And last but not least, for our dessert we are making a caramelised rhubarb cake with freshly made custard.  What a menu!


In the garden we are busily building a hot compost, harvesting for the kitchen, which you can see from above is quite a bit of produce, the usual tending to the animals and lastly creating newspaper pots. All of these activities are very good for the environment.


And a couple of notices to follow. First two weeks back next term we will be celebrating NADIOC week given it falls during the school holidays. The program will have an indigenous flavour both in the kitchen and garden. To support this Kate has requested donations of pepper grinders to grind mountain pepper which will be used in our cooking. Second hand grinders are perfectly fine. If you have any which you no longer need please send them our way and they will be put to very good use.


Also early next term we are looking at running a working bee on either Saturday 29th July or 5th August to get some much needed jobs done. Morning tea will be provided along with a small thank you gift to leave with.  We would love to see you there and after getting a taste for the garden, who knows, you may look at volunteering in any way, for instance helping with a class or simply to completing some jobs. Keep an eye out for further details.


And as the term draws to a close, we are calling out to any families who would like to host our guinea pigs over the upcoming holidays. Anybody who is interested please don’t hesitate to contact Jodie, Kate, Mrs O’Brien or any of the ladies in the office and we can arrange for their collection.


Mrs O’Brien, Kate & Jodie