What a wonderful NAIDOC Assembly KHS delivered on Wednesday 28 June 2023.

Congratulations to all of our NAIDOC award recipients, who were recognised for their hard work and commitment to always striving to do the best they can in everything they do. The following students, community members and staff received awards on the day:


Encouragement Awards - awarded to students who show immense potential as future award winners: 

Year 7    Zahlie Glover-Ridgeway

Year 8    Miley Horton

Year 9    Keira Marriott

Year 10  Shakaya Duncan, Tyrelle Glover-Ridgeway and Laveda Jarrett


2023 Junior NAIDOC Citizenship & Community Service Award - Joshua Cutmore

2023 Senior NAIDOC Citizenship & Community Service Award - Matt Campton

2023 Junior NAIDOC Sporting Award - Breanna Horne

2023 Senior NAIDOC Sporting Award - Preston Kelly

2023NAIDOC Creative and Performing Arts Award - Charlotte Brown

2023 Junior NAIDOC Academic Award - Beau Smith

2023 Senior NAIDOC Academic Award - Phoebe Southwell

2023 NAIDOC Award for Leadership - Tanayah Vale

2023 NAIDOC EVET Award - Andrew Nicholas

2023 NAIDOC Community Acknowledgement Award for Aboriginal Education - Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation

2023 NAIDOC staff Excellence Award - Ms Lara Wasilewski



A big thank you to all the staff who worked tirelessly to put the assembly together. A shout out must be given to the Aboriginal Education Team who worked with staff, students and many outside agencies to deliver such a culturally rich NAIDOC Assembly. Thank you to Tanayah Vale and Tyrelle Glover-Ridgeway who conducted the assembly, Uncle Fred Kelly, Ruby Hoskins Gould and Raymond Cooper who performed the Welcome to Country. A big thank you is also extended to the Clontarf Academy, NASCA Academy and Fig Tree Mob who put on an outstanding cultural dance performance.


A special mention is also extended to the Junior AECG and Ms Wasilewski who filmed and produced the short film titled 'A message from Our Elders" and all of the Elders who were in the film. This was an exceptional piece and quite fitting to be shown at our NAIDOC Assembly.

After the NAIDOC Assembly there was a lovely morning tea hosted by the Red Onion Café for all of our award recipients, their family members, our special guests, staff and community members. 

To round out our NAIDOC celebrations the Aboriginal Education Team, staff members and students hosted many activities after the wonderful BBQ lunch, led by Clontarf and NASCA. These activities included: A Just Dance dance off, arts and craft, Elders Games, touch footy and board games in the Library. These were a lot of fun and thank you to Eleisha Krix, Riley O'Loughlin, Leesa Lloyd-Field and all the Wellbeing team for bringing this together.