From the Principal 

Our Vision

Each child has a gift or talent. It is our job to find it and to show it to them.

Our Mission

Identify the talent, develop the confidence and create the leader.


 What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?

Professional Learning Non-Student Day June 13

Staff participated in a range of professional learning activities. Education Support Staff visited schools to conduct teaching and learning observations. Teachers facilitated workshops focused on literacy assessment and behaviour management. Report writing was a focus and all staff worked towards completing mandatory online OHS modules. 


Student Semester 1 Reports

Semester reports are now available on Compass. The next report will be in Term 4.


Parent Teacher Meetings

On Monday teachers and parents have opportunity to meet to discuss student progress, semester reports and wellbeing. Bookings via Compass close on Sunday.


Student Support Group Meetings

Over the last two weeks, meetings were conducted with parents of students with learning support funding. These mandated termly meetings provide a framework to discuss progress against individual short-term goals with students not meeting Victorian Curriculum standards for a variety of reasons.


Music Performances

On Monday, Susie Davies-Splitter will lead students in a visit and concert for residents at Aveo Kingston Green Village. The choir, 56A and three solo instrumentalists will perform. Srebrenka Casaceli has nominated students from her program to participate. On Thursday June 22, Srebrenka will facilitate a lunchtime concert highlighting her students from across all year levels. These performances provide the students with real-life purposes for learning music and helps increase their confidence.


Outdoor Fun

The set of outdoor chess pieces was put together and now being used on the outdoor chess board. Likewise, a large die is now being tossed over the large outdoor snakes and ladders board and promoting much school-yard fun.


School Tours and 2024 Enrolments

Tours continue to be booked and due to being under capacity, we are still accepting enrolments from out of zone. Currently 22 Foundation enrolments have been received, and it is anticipated there will be two Foundation grades in 2024.


Student Lighthouse Team Projects

The Semester 1 team worked on two projects. The first was to identify what could be added to the Chicken Palace, to make it more accommodating for the chickens. The team agreed that chicken toys and perches would be ideal. An order has been submitted for a chicken swing, mirror, feeding bag and bars to roost on. The team planned to fund the purchases by planning a farm theme dress up day (Friday June 22nd) and to promote a gold coin donation. The students led the design of promotional posters that are now displayed around the school. The second project was to plan a special theme day. The team brainstormed special day themes and then surveyed the whole school. Science-Technology was the result. The students synergised to shortlist the type of workshops they wanted. The Science-Technology sessions will run on Wednesday June 21st and include experiments, looking at old technology and aspects of astrology. The Semester 1 team worked effectively together and achieved their goals.


Kids Unlimited

Chess has been a popular extra-curricular activity. Coding was not as popular with less than ten students participating in past weeks. In Term 3, Kids Unlimited will offer Chess, Robotics and Street Dancing, and proceed with minimum quotas of expressions of interest. Flyers will be posted on Compass before the end of term.


Thought for the Week

“While thumbing through a book, I came across an idea that changed my whole outlook – between what happens to us and our response is a space, and the key to our growth and happiness is how we use that space.” Stephen R. Covey


Have a great weekend.

George Danson