Art /Cultural/ Music / PE & Health/Library 

Specialist News 



 Visual Arts

This week in Visual Arts, Foundation and Year 1/2 students were able to make their own printing collagraph, by sticking foam shapes on a piece of square cardboard. They were then able to explore different prints by swapping and sharing printing collagraphs with each other. Year 3/4 students were introduced to printmaking skills and how to make a monoprint, while experimenting with Gelli Plate printing. Year 5/6 students revised their printmaking skills, how to make a monoprint and creating layers, by experimenting with Gelli Plate printing. 






Culture Studies

Last week in Culture Studies, all students learnt about the Turkish national flower (tulip), bird (redwing) and animal (grey wolf). The Foundation and Year 1/2 students were able to make their own tulip out of paper. Year 3 to 6 students created their own printing tile out of foam, allowing them to make a radial print which represented a Turkish rug art piece.


In the last week of Term, all students will acknowledge NAIDOC week which is between the 2nd to 9th of July, during the school holidays. The theme for this year’s NAIDOC week is ‘for our elders’, understanding how Elders are important to the First Nations culture. Foundation and Year 1/2 students listened to a book ‘Koo Koo Kookaburra’ by Greg Driese, where Koo Koo the kookaburra listened & learned from his elder (his uncle) that kindness is like a boomerang – if you throw it, it comes back often. Foundation students were able to make a kookaburra out of a carboard tube, cutting and adding feathers and a beak. Year 1/2 students followed my step-by-step instructions on how to draw a kookaburra, they were able to add inspired Australian Indigenous artwork features to their kookaburra drawing. Year 3/4 students listened to a book ‘Awesome Emu’ by Greg Driese, where the elders pass down from generations an explanation of how to find the spirit of the Awesome Emu in the constellations, which can be seen today in the black shadows of the Milky Way. They used white oil pastels to draw stars, and an outline of an emu. They then were able to use black watercolour paint to create the night sky. As they painted over the pastel the emu & the stars appeared. Year 5/6 students listened to a book ‘Respect’ where this is a story of peace, knowing and belonging, which was told through the eyes of a little girl on a journey of growing and learning from her Ancestors, Elders, Community and Country. They were able to use Gelli plates to create an inspired background scene from the book. 







In PE for the last 2 weeks students have continued to be exposed to the skills and rules of AFL. We had a couple of sessions from a staff member from AFL Victoria who played some fun games with all the students that included a focus on one or two specific skills. Students have thoroughly enjoyed trying to master the skills using an oval ball, which can be very challenging for many, especially when first starting out.









We have only had one health lesson over the past two weeks which finished our lessons on coping strategies. Students have explored the big emotions they can feel at different times and ways to manage these in a calm and safe manner for both themselves and others. They explored ideas such as taking deep breathes, exercise, meditation, reading a book, listening to music, going for a walk, talking to friends and many more. These are such useful tips that students were able to experience in class which I’m hopeful that they will be able to use more often in their daily lives when needed.



Interschool Sports

Last Friday was our last round of interschool sports before the Lightning Premiership today. Unfortunately last week we had a bye, so it was just a practise session between ourselves, but it was good to get some last minute training in. 

The students have had a fun term of sport and today they get to put their skills and learning together in a lightning premiership – round robin competition against all the schools they played during the term.

It has been a highlight to see so many students playing and for us to be able to play a number of sports for the first time due to our numbers. Well done to everyone for their efforts, but especially our grade 4 students who have been playing against students in grade 5 and 6 from the other schools. They should all be very proud of their efforts, teamwork and their sportsmanship. Well done.


Jarrod Bradley

PE/Health/Sports Coordinator






Library News 

It is the end of Semester 1, and we had a very successful term in the library again. Some highlights included our Scholastic Book Fair, the Simultaneous Storytime event and all the beautiful recommendations students have written about their favourite library books (have a look on top of the BER computers to see them).


It is also time again to crown our next Reader Leader for Term 2! With 13 books borrowed, Isaac from 34A wins! Well done, Isaac. The class who borrowed the most is 34A with 112 books borrowed. Keep it up, everybody!


Wishing you all restful and relaxing holidays, and lots of time to read.