Counsellor's Corner

Recruiting my Club of Life in getting through tough times

Developing the idea that people’s identities are shaped by what can be referred to as a ‘Club of Life’. Can be significant in supporting a student through tough times. 


This ‘Club of Life’ metaphor introduces the idea that for all of us there are members in our Club of Life who have had particular parts to play in how we have come to experience ourselves. These members have often had different ranks or status within the ‘club’. For instance, we pay more attention or give more credibility to what one person thinks about us than another. The person or persons whose views matter most to us, who influence our identities the most significantly, can be seen to have highly regarded and respected membership status within our ‘Club of Life’ (White 2007).


We have been able to explore this metaphor with multiple students highlighting the membership qualities that certain friends bring into the student’s club, and often there is a cross-over of characteristics between friends.  Plus, what we have found is that there has been a common take away from many of the students: 


“I am now realizing the qualities of my friends…and that is a good thing”.

“They are supportive of me…it’s nice. And to be able to share in laughter”.


There may be friends in your life who you can draw upon to include in your club.  Here is an example of one student's reflection.

Friend ACaring, funny, loyalGetting me to sit next to another friend when I felt sad
Friend BPlayful, adventurous, loyal, funny, caringMoving a spider web, in front of me, when we were going for a walk
Friend CFunny, loyal, niceMaking a stressful experience in class funny, like saying “be quiet, using a funny space”.
Friend DFunny, sensible, does the right thingSitting under the tree with my friend and having a laugh

~ Tim Donovan and Chloe McCarthy
